16 Blocks

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"

Peter Bradshaw
Friday April 28, 2006
The Guardian

Bruce Willis gives good hangover in this New York thriller. He is a permanently drunk cop called Jack Mosley given the demeaning job of driving a petty thief played by Mos Def from the station house to the courtroom 16 blocks away. Screw-up that he is, Mosley fatefully pulls the car over to pick up an emergency bottle of booze, and it all kicks off from there. After a firecracker opening, the movie unwinds into credulity-stretching silliness, but not before Mos Def has uncorked his talkative prisoner act, complete with funky voice: Donkey to Bruce Willis's Shrek.

booze- alkohol
credulity- łatwowierność, bezkrytyczność
demeaning- poniżający
fatefully- fatalnie
firecracker- fajerwerk, petarda
hangover- kac
kick off- rozpoczynać się
permanently- wiecznie
petty thief- drobny złodziej
pull over- zjeżdżać na bok
screw-up- pomyłka; nieudacznik
stretching- rozciąganie metrażu filmu
unwind- rozwijać się


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