Things Americans Say 76-80

Things Americans Say [12]
Things Americans say... (076)
eat your heart out
tez bys chcial, co? nie peknij z zazdrosci
Presented by Ella

Today's phrase has nothing to do with suicidal tendencies of Dr. Hannibal Lecter.
It has to do with another kind of monster: envy. Do you ever get envious? NO??? Well, I envy you! I must admit that I sometimes do. Fortunately, it's not usually the malicious type that I suffer from. Sure, it would be nice to look like young Paul Newman or have the dazzling intellect of Martin Luther. Heck, I would even settle for a set of Tom Cruise's teeth, but on the other hand, I am just glad to be me. Whatever your case, here is a phrase that you might want to use when someone envies you something. It's like saying: "you'd like that too, huh?", in a teasing sort of way. Don't you wish you could speak English as well as I do? Eat your heart out, baby ;)
Dzisiejsze powiedzonko nie ma nic wspolnego z tendencjami samobojczymi doktora Hannibala Lectera. Ma za to cos wspolnego z innym potworem: zazdroscia. Czy bywacie czasem zazdrosni? Nie??? No coz, zazdroszcze Wam! Musze przyznac, ze ja czasem bywam. Na szczescie zazdrosc, ktora mnie dotyka nie jest zwykle typem zlosliwym. Pewnie, ze fajnie byloby wygladac jak mlody Paul Newman albo posiadac olsniewajacy intelekt Marcina Lutra. A co tam, zadowolilbym sie nawet zebami Toma Cruise'a, choc z drugiej strony ciesze sie, ze jestem sobie kim jestem. Nie wiem jak tam jest w Waszym przypadku, ale mozecie uzyc tego powiedzonka kiedy ktos Wam czegos zazdrosci. To tak jakby powiedziec "tez bys chcial(a), co?" kiedy sie z kims droczymy. Chcielibyscie mowic po angielsku tak dobrze jak ja, co nie? Eat your heart out ;)
*this phrase can sometimes mean "to feel extremely unhappy about a hopeless situation; to make yourself sick with grief and worry", but when we use it in the meaning presented above, it doesn't usually change the form. It's almost always used in second person, present tense and affirmative sentence.

- Did you like the new song I made up on the guitar?
- Yes, it was excellent! Eat your heart out, Carlos Santana!

Things Americans say... (077)
cut me some slack
daj zyc, wyluzuj, miej wiare we mnie...
Presented by Jim and Derek

Thank you Guys!
I know the picture doesn't fully reflect your handsomeness, but please, cut me some slack,
that's the only cam I have :(

It's not easy to define this phrase, but the idea is the one of evasion and freedom. Derek wants something that Jim was supposed to do, but Jim didn't do it and now he is trying to get himself off the hook. By saying cut me some slack he is asking Derek to have more faith in him, to relax, to give him freedom to deliver on his own terms. If you are planning to see "Freaky Friday", keep your ears open, as the very same phrase pops up in one of the conversations between the mother and her daughter. The context there is the freedom and trust that the daughter would like her mother to give her, but at that point in the movie the mother is done cutting slack. Then things get a bit more complicated. Are they going to get complicated between Jim and Derek? We will have to wait and see.
Nielatwo jest zdefiniowac to wyrazenie, ale chodzi o sztuke unikania odpowiedzialnosci oraz wolnosc. Derek chce cos, co Jim mial zrobic, ale Jim tego nie zrobil i teraz probuje sie usprawiedliwiac i uniknac odpowiedzialnosci. Mowiac cut me some slack prosi Dereka aby ten okazal wieksza wiare, aby sie wyluzowal i dal mu wiecej wolnosci do zrobienia tego co mial do zrobienia na jego wlasnych warunkach. Jezeli planujesz wybrac sie na "Zakrecony piatek", trzymaj uszy otwarte, bo ten samiutki zwrot pojawia sie w jednej z rozmow pomiedzy matka i corka. Tam kontekstem jest wolnosc i zaufanie, ktore corka chce aby mama jej okazala, jednak na tym etapie filmu matka juz nie ma ochoty tego robic. Pozniej sprawy nieco sie komplikuja. Czy skomplikuja sie takze pomiedzy Jimem i Derekiem? Poczekamy, zobaczymy.
Jim and Derek are two guys who work with me. They are mobility experts (wheelchairs, scooters, etc.) Contrary to some opinions, the movie "Dumb and Dumber" was NOT based on their life stories :))

- This is not how you play this song. I thought you knew the chords!
- Cut me some slack, will you? I've just started learning!

Things Americans say... (078)
sounds like a winner
znakomity pomysl
Presented by Olyvia and Jonasz

When it rains, kids are bored, and when it snows they don't go to school. At least here in North Carolina, where snow is a big deal. The last week of January brought a big shift from sunny weather to icy roads and over seven thousand winter related accidents in our state! A lot of people stayed home from work and a lot of kids enjoyed four extra days of home arrest during which they had to be really creative to kill all the free time without being glued to the TV or computer 24 hours a day.
Playing cards is one way to have interactive fun before going to bed.
The phrase "sounds like a winner" means "that's a great idea" and can be used in many different situations.
"W czasie deszczu dzieci sie nudza", a kiedy pada snieg, nie chodza do szkoly. Przynajmniej w Karolinie Polnocnej, gdzie snieg to powazna sprawa. Ostatni tydzien stycznia przyniosl duza zmiane ze slonecznej pogody na oblodzone drogi i ponad siedem tysiecy wypadkow spowodowanych atakiem zimy w naszym stanie! Wielu ludzi nie poszlo do pracy, a wiele dzieci cieszylo sie z powodu czterech dodatkowych dni domowego aresztu, podczas ktorego musialy sie wykazac odpowiednia kreatywnoscia w zabijaniu czasu bez przylepiania sie do telewizora lub komputera.
Granie w karty to jeden ze sposobow na interaktywna zabawe przed pojsciem do lozka. Zwrot "sounds like a winner" oznacza "to znakomity pomysl" i moze byc uzyty w wielu roznych sytuacjach.

Istnieje takze podobne wyrazenie, ktorego uzyjemy jednak w sposob sarkastyczny:
- that'll be a winner, co mozna przetlumaczyc jako "no, to jest genialny pomysl".

- Since we can't drive in this weather, I think we should just walk to the store.
- Yeah, that'll be a winner. Walk one hour in the snow and then walk back with plastic bags full of stuff.
You and your great ideas...

- What would you say if we all went to this new Mexican restaurant to celebrate Dan's birthday?
- Sounds like a winner! What time should me get together?

Things Americans say... (079)
to rub someone the wrong way
wlazic komus za skore, irytowac kogos
(poprzez robienie rzeczy, ktorych ta osoba nie znosi)
Presented by Ramon and Quinn

Ramon and Quinn attend the Polish class that I teach once a week. Thanks guys! Do your homework and remember:
"Co jest, szwagier?"

I don't get irritated easily, but there are certain types of people who get under my skin. For example those, who constantly quote Latin phrases without explaining their meanings, or those who sneak into other people's houses and water their plants without permission. Or those who spit into wells. If you're one of those people, I can't stand you and you really rub me the wrong way. The rest of you - I really like you guys! Yes, you too, believe it or not. Quinn (in the picture, on the right) isn't quite happy with the way the relationship with his boss is going. I don't know why, and I don't think I want to know. It's none of my business. What is my business though, is to help you learn and apply this new idiom, which I just did, so - good night everybody!
Ja tam latwo sie nie irytuje, ale sa pewne typy ludzi, ktorzy wlaza mi za skore. Na przyklad tacy, co to ciagle rzucaja lacinskimi powiedzonkami, ale ich nie tlumacza, albo tacy, co sie wkradaja do cudzych domow i podlewaja kwiatki bez pozwolenia. Lub tacy, ktorzy pluja do studni. Jezeli jestes jednym z takich ludzi - nie moge Cie zniesc i irytujesz mnie jak byk. A Wy pozostali - bardzo Was lubie! Tak, Ciebie tez, choc moze nie chce Ci sie w to wierzyc. Quinn (na zdjeciu po prawej) nie jest do konca szczesliwy z relacji ze swoim szefem. Nie wiem dlaczego i raczej nie chce wiedziec. To nie moja sprawa. To co jest moja sprawa jednak, to to, aby pomoc Wam nauczyc sie tego nowego idiomu i wiedziec jak go stosowac, co wlasnie zrobilem, tak wiec Dobranoc Wszystkim!
Przypomne, ze wczesniej mielismy juz do czynienia z idiomem to rub it in.

- Why don't you like Wes? I think he's a sweet guy.
- I don't know what it is about him, but he rubs me the wrong way. I just can't stand being around him.

Things Americans say... (080)
when (if) push comes to shove
gdy wszystko inne zawiedzie, kiedy przyjdzie co do czego
Presented by Iris and Chris

Thank you Iris and Chris.
I know that, when push comes to shove, I can count on you.

I used to have more time to look for people who'd be willing to teach you something. Unfortunately, nowadays I find it more and more challenging to go out into the streets and bother strangers, so when push comes to shove I turn to my coworkers for help. You already know Chris from two other idioms. Iris is a newcomer to our little American idioms gang. I believe that by now you know how and when to use this phrase, but just to be %100 sure, here we go: use this phrase when you're talking about a situation in which everything else might fail, but the situation needs to be confronted one way or another anyway. Sometimes people will leave out "when" or "if".
Kiedys mialem wiecej czasu zeby szukac ludzi, ktorzy zechcieliby nauczyc Was czegos. Niestety ostatnimi dniami chodzenie po ulicach i nagabywanie obcych jest dla mnie coraz wiekszym wyzwaniem, tak wiec gdy wszystko inne zawiedzie, zwracam sie o pomoc do wspolpracownikow. Chrisa znacie juz z dwoch innych powiedzonek. Iris to nowicjuszka w naszym amerykanskim idiomowym gangu. Wierze, ze juz wiecie jak i kiedy uzyc tego wyrazenia, ale zeby byc pewnym na 100% oto wyjasnienie: uzywamy tego idiomu kiedy mowa o sytuacji, w ktorej wszystko inne moze nas zawiesc, a sytuacji i tak trzeba stawic czola w jakis sposob. Czasem ludziska powiedza to bez "when" lub "if".

- Are you going to play Cierzniak in the goal next time?
- Well, Cierzniak is not my first choice, but if push comes to shove, he's gonna have to dress.
in the goal - w bramce, na bramce
to dress
w jezyku sportowym zwrot ten oznacza "wybiec w podstawowym skladzie".

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