Things Americans Say 81-85

Things Americans say... (081)
to bust someone's chops
dac komus w kosc, walnac kogos, pokonac, zbesztac
Presented by James and me.

Thank you Dr. Ph... I mean JAMES. THANK YOU JAMES!

When I saw James for the first time, I thought "what a striking resemblance". Then he decided to shave his mustache, but the image got stuck in my head. Until today that is, when I was almost beaten to a pulp. We're all unique, and nobody wants to be someone else, I guess. Especially not Dr. Phil. Some people like him, some don't. I personally think he's a nice fellow, but definitely not as nice as James (I am trying to prevent another assault). Dr. Phil has a show on TV in which he helps people deal with various emotional and psychological issues. You will never see Dr. Phil lose his temper. You will never see any of his patients/guests get mad at him. That's because Dr. Phil is just a nice, sweet guy, who happens to be a psychologist (though some will doubt). Oh, I almost forgot about today's phrase! "To bust someone's chops" could mean literally to hit someone on the face, to scold someone or defeat someone.
Kiedy po raz pierwszy zobaczylem Jamesa, pomyslalem sobie "coz za uderzajace podobienstwo." Pozniej James zgolil wasa, jendak obraz utrwalil sie w mojej glowie. To znaczy, do dzisiaj, kiedy zostalem prawie zbity na kwasne jablko. Kazdy z nas jest jedyny w swoim rodzaju i nikt nie chce byc kims innym, tak mi sie wydaje. A szczegolnie Dr Philem. Niektorzy ludzie go lubia, inni nie. Ja osobiscie uwazam, ze z niego fajny gosciu, ale na pewno nie tak fajny jak James (probuje zapobiec kolejnemu atakowi). Dr Phil ma program w TV, w ktorym pomaga ludziom radzic sobie z roznymi problemami emocjonalnymi i psychologicznymi. Nigdy nie zobaczysz jak Dr Phil traci nerwy. Nigdy nie zobaczysz jak jego goscie/pacjenci sie na niego wsciekaja. A to dlatego, ze Dr Phil jest po prostu milym, slodkim facetem, ktory przy okazji jest tez psychologiem (choc niektorzy w to watpia). Och, prawie zapomnialem o dzisiejszym zwrocie. "To bust someone's chops" moze oznaczac doslownie walniecie kogos w czache, zbesztanie lub tez pokonanie kogos.
More about Dr. Phil here.

I'd better get back to work. My boss has been busting my chops about finishing those invoices by 4 pm.

Things Americans say... (082)
it's over my head
to dla mnie za trudne, za skomplikowane, to mnie przerasta
Presented by Mark and Jonasz.

Thanks Mark!

Even when you are as tall as Mark is, some things can still be over your head :) It was wonderful to be able to host Mark, as he stopped by while doing business in the area. Mark lives in Boise, Idaho and you may recognize him from the pictures in the Boise Gallery. If you've met my kids, you know that it didn't take them very long to treat Mark like he's part of the family. Today's phrase can be used when being confronted with a problem that is too big for our minds to grasp. When something is too difficult or too complicated, you can say that it's over your head. Sometimes the recording part can be quite challenging as well, which you can hear in this outtake -> listen
Nawet przy wzroscie Marka, pewny rzeczy moga nas przerastac :) Bylo wspaniale goscic Marka, ktory wpadl do nas przy okazji zalatwiania interesow w okolicy. Mark mieszka w Boise, Idaho i niektorzy z was moga go rozpoznac z fotek zamieszczonych w Boise Gallery. Jezeli poznaliscie moje dzieci, to wiecie, ze nieduzo czasu im zabralo aby traktowac Marka jak czlonka rodziny. Dzisiejszy zwrot moze byc uzyty kiedy stawiamy czola problemowi, ktory jest zbyt wielki aby nasz umysl mogl go objac. Kiedy cos jest zbyt trudne lub zbyt skomplikowane, mozesz powiedziec, ze to jest over your head. Czasem nawet nagranie dzwieku moze okazac sie calkiem powaznym wyzwaniem, co mozna sprawdzic w tym nieudanym podejsciu -> listen

I've read parts of his book, but most of the stuff is over my head.

Things Americans say... (083)
podstarzaly (najlepsze lata ma juz za soba)
Presented by Tim and Olyvia

Happy Birthday Tim!

On October 16, 2004 Tim turned 39. Tim is my brother-in-law. There are different theories on when a person is over-the-hill, but I believe most people would more or less seriously claim that it is at the age of 40 when we start going downhill. I've got three years left of climbing! Kinda scary! To say that someone is over-the-hill means that this person's prime years are gone, and now he or she is becoming less and less useful. Come to think of it, forty can't really be it! Some people accomplish a lot more when they're in their forties than ever before, so let's not give up on Tim yet. Or me. There is still an inkling of a chance that I will finally grow up and do something useful with my life. Anyway, it really is up to you when this adjective will be applied to your life. Carpe diem!
16 pazdziernika 2004 r. byly 39. urodziny Tima. Tim to moj szwagier. Istnieja rozne teorie na temat tego, kiedy robimy sie podstarzali, ale wydaje mi sie, ze wiekszosc ludzi mniej lub bardziej powaznie stwierdzi, ze to wlasnie w wieku lat 40. zaczynamy sie starzec (czyli w przenosni, schodzic z tego wzgorza zycia). Zostaly mi trzy lata wspinaczki! Troche niepokojace! Kiedy mowimy, ze ktos jest over-the-hill mamy na mysli to, ze ta osoba ma juz najlepsze lata za soba i staje sie coraz mniej uzyteczna. Gdy sie tak nad tym zastanawiam, to mysle ze czterdziecha to jeszcze nie ten wiek! Niektorzy ludzie osiagaja wiecej po czterdziestce niz kiedykolwiek wczesniej, tak wiec nie stawiajmy jeszcze krzyzyka na Timie. Albo na mnie. Jest jeszcze cien szansy na to, ze w koncu wydorosleje i zrobie cos uzytecznego ze swoim zyciem. W kazdym razie, tak naprawde to od ciebie zalezy kiedy ten przymiotnik zostanie uzyty w stosunku do twojego zycia. Carpe diem!

What is your son doing playing golf with a bunch of over-the-hill guys? Doesn't he have any friends his age?

Things Americans say... (084)
it's like pulling teeth
jak krew z nosa
I'm getting there
powoli robie postep
Presented by Samuel and Katie

Samuel and Katie
Thanks Guys!

Today, I'd like to introduce you to two super nice young people, and two interesting expressions. The first one, "it's like pulling teeth", can be used when we're talking about a task that requires a lot of effort from us, because the people we're working with are not very eager to cooperate. I think you can draw your own conclusions as to how this idiom came to be. The second one, "I'm getting there" is used when we're talking about "slow progress". It's like saying: "I am working on it, but it will take me some more time to finish". Remember though, that it doesn't always have to be something tangible or physical. For example, if you and your friend are watching a boring movie, and you ask your friend "are you sleepy?", he might say "I'm getting there", which means he's not quite sleepy yet, but soon he will be. Simple, isn't it?
Dzisiaj chcialbym Wam przedstawic dwojke super milych mlodych ludzi i dwa ciekawe wyrazenia. Pierwsze z nich "it's like pulling teeth", moze byc uzywane gdy rozmawiamy o jakims przedsiewzieciu, ktore wymaga od nas wiele wysilku, bo ludzie z ktorymi mamy do czynienia nie sa zbyt chetni do wspolpracy. Mysle, ze mozecie sami dojsc do tego skad wzielo sie owo powiedzenie. Drugie wyrazenie, "I'm getting there" jest uzywane wtedy, gdy mowa o "powolnym postepie." To tak jakbysmy powiedzieli "Pracuje nad tym, ale skonczenie tego jeszcze zajmie mi troche czasu." Pamietajcie jednak, ze to nie zawsze musi byc cos dotykalnego lub fizycznego. Na przyklad, jezeli ty i twoj przyjaciel ogladacie jakis nudny film i zapytasz go "jestes spiacy?", on moze odpowiedziec "I'm getting there", co oznacza, ze jeszcze nie jest zupelnie spiacy, ale niedlugo bedzie. Proste, prawda?

and check
See it in a different context:
- I have a feeling you're in love with Agnieszka. Am I right?
- Well, I don't know if I want to talk about it.
- Why are you always so secretive? Getting anything out of you is like pulling teeth, man. I thought we were the best friends!
- All right, all right. I don't know if I am in love with her, but I think I'm getting there. And please, remember, just because you are my siamese brother doesn't mean you have to know everything I do.

Things Americans say... (085)
it chaps my hide
to mnie wpienia
(doslownie: az mi skora peka ze zlosci)
to see eye to eye
zgadzac sie (ze soba), miec podobne zrozumienie czegos
Presented by Andy and Bethany

Bethany and Andy
Great job!

Andy and Bethany would probably never have a conversation which would include these two idioms if it weren't for YOU GUYS :) OK, maybe they also wanted to be famous :) We use the phrase it chaps my hide to let people know that something makes us really angry. You might want to remember that not all Americans know this idiom, although everyone could probably guess what it means. I decided to use it because I think it sounds pretty funny.
Now, to see eye to eye is a lot more universal saying. It means that you and someone else agree on something, have the same understanding of something. Very often it is used to illustrate the opposite: lack of agreement/understanding. I hope you and your family members or friends see eye to eye on most things and that you don't cause other people's hide to chap ;)
Gdyby nie WY, Andy i Bethany prawdopodobnie nigdy nie przeprowadziliby rozmowy, ktora mialaby w sobie te dwa idiomy :) No dobra, moze przy okazji chcieli byc slawni :) Zwrotu it chaps my hide uzywamy aby dac ludziom do zrozumienia, ze cos nas bardzo denerwuje. Dobrze bedzie jezeli zapamietacie, ze nie wszyscy Amerykanie znaja ten idiom, choc wszyscy mogliby sie pewnie domyslic co on oznacza. Postanowilem go tutaj zamiescic bo wedlug mnie brzmi bardzo zabawnie.
Z kolei, to see eye to eye jest powiedzonkiem o wiele bardziej uniwersalnym. Oznacza ono, ze ty i ktos inny zgadzacie sie co do jakiejs rzeczy, macie podobne zrozumienie czegos. Bardzo czesto jest ono uzywane w celu pokazania sytuacji przeciwnej: braku zgody/zrozumienia. Mam nadzieje, ze wy i czlonkowie waszych rodzin oraz przyjaciele zgadzacie sie co do wiekszosci spraw i ze nie powodujecie, ze inni ludzie sie pienia ze zlosci ;)

and check

See it in a different context:
- Does Johnson always have to listen to such loud music in his cubicle? Man, it chaps my hide!
- Why don't you go and tell the boss about it?
- That won't do any good. She and I never see eye to eye on anything, plus she really likes Johnson.

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