Animal House

Here is Landis's other great smash-hit: the great ancestor of lowbrow crassness and fratboy wackiness, says Peter Bradshaw




Here is Landis's other great smash-hit: the great ancestor of lowbrow crassness and fratboy wackiness. John Belushi played fraternity beer monster Bluto; the actor's death superimposes an extra-textual layer of tragicomedy. The movie was born in the era of President Gerald Ford, and harked back to the pre-Vietnam early 1960s, when student ­misbehaviour was apolitical. A period piece, still reasonably funny.

crassness - prostactwo

hark back - wracać do, nawiązywać do

layer - warstwa

lowbrow - prymitywny, niewybredny

superimpose - nakładać

wackiness - nieobliczlność, dziwactwo

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