
Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"

Xan Brooks
Friday September 8, 2006
The Guardian

The great pleasure of Beerfest is the chance it affords to sit alongside a bunch of learned critics impelled to watch a two-hour comedy about alcoholic party animals. This is a film in which the guys sink ale and the girls flash their breasts and the script appears to have been written by a drunken idiot with short-term memory loss. With a different audience, I might have enjoyed Beerfest more, although even then I worry that its laddish malarkey would have palled after a while. Even the end of Beerfest is not quite the end of Beerfest. Time is found during the closing credits for a whistle-stop tour of Amsterdam's red light district.

ale- piwo (angielskie)
appear- wydawać się
audience- publiczność
bunch- grupa, grono
flash- pokazywac na chwilę
impel- zmuszać
laddish- nie do przyjęcia, niestosowny, skandaliczny, oburzający
learned- uczony
malarkey- bzdury, głupoty, brednie
pall- nudzić się, przykrzyć się
script- scenariusz
short-term memory- pamięć krótkotrwała
sink- (tutaj) wypić
whistle-stop tour- objazd kraju w czasie kampanii wyborczej


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