Just My Luck

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"

Geoffrey MacNab
Friday June 30, 2006
The Guardian

Midway through Donald Petrie's numbing romantic comedy, we learn that our heroine Ashley Albright's flooded New York apartment is suffering from "a grade-four mould infestation". The film itself has fungal problems far more severe than that. You can't blame Lindsay Lohan. The freckled, red-haired young diva plays Ashley with a cheery resilience strangely reminiscent of Doris Day in her prime. The real rot is in the script.
Ashley begins as the luckiest woman in the world ("Face it, babe, when they whacked you with that lucky stick, they whacked you good!") but loses her luck to hapless, would-be rock band manager Jake (Chris Pine) when she kisses him too vigorously on the lips at a masked ball. We're bombarded with feeble visual gags involving bad luck (puddles, dog shit, ladders, broken mirrors, black cats and so on) before the all-too predictable finale in which true love conquers all. One or two nice character turns (Missi Pyle as a superbitch boss, Faizon Love as a Falstaff-like record mogul) and some chirpy playing from Brit band McFly don't come close to keeping the sap at bay.

cheery- wesoły, radosny
chirpy- ożywiony
conquer- zwyciężać
feeble- słaby, wątły
freckled- piegowaty
fungal- grzybowy, związany z grzybami
hapless- niefortunny, nieszczęsny
infestation- inwazja pasożytów
keep sb at bay- trzymać kogoś na odległość
midway- pośrodku, w połowie drogi
mogul- potentat, szycha
mould- pleśń
numbing- odrętwiający
predictable- przewidywalny
prime: in one’s prime- u szczytu kariery
reminiscent of- przypominający
resilience- sprężystość, elastyczność
rot- gnicie
sap- dureń
vigorously- energicznie, ostro
whack- walić, palnąć


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