Mum & Dad
- Szczegóły
- Nadrzędna kategoria: Filmy
- Kategoria: Recenzje filmowe z Guardiana
There is something very English about Mum & Dad, a macabre horror film, apparently inspired by the Fred and Rose West case, though if the dialogue were in German, I suppose I would think it was very Austrian. Writer-director Steven Sheil does a great deal with very little. Olga Fedori plays a Polish cleaner at Heathrow, who comes to stay at a creepy rundown place in the eerie industrial wasteland surrounding the airport. This is the domain of "Mum" and "Dad", played by Dido Miles and Perry Benson, who have a horrifying secret. I'm increasingly squeamish about horror, but this is an ice-cool film and Sheil is a smart operator.
apparently – widocznie, wyraźnie
creepy – straszny, przerażający
eerie – straszliwy, niesamowity
rundown – zaniedbany, zapuszczony
squeamish – wrażliwy
wasteland – ziemia jałowa, nieużytki