Witam, czy ktoś chciałby zrobić dobry uczynek przed świętami i przetłumaczyć lub pomóc w przetłumaczeniu tych wyraż
eń? Bardzo Bardzo Bardzo Dziękuję!
I must say a word here about Nuala's use of obscenity and scatology.
Like all the other Irish, who are superbly skilled at such usage, she
meant no harm by it. It was merely one more exercise in Irish poetry and
playfulness. And their own language having no such four-letter words!
She never used any of the Anglo-Saxon words in the presence of my
parents or, heaven save us all, or heaven save us all, in the presence
of her parents or the little bishop. My brother George the Priest was a
borderline case. In this story I'll use the verb "to frig" as a
substitute for the most favorite of the Irish four-letter words. Much of
the time Nuala herself would use the participle "friggin'" as part of
her struggle to clean up her language so that she would sound like a
"friggin' proper Yank". The reader can choose which times the word is my
surrogate and which times it is hers. On some occassions, however, I will
revent to the Anglo-Saxon vernacular when it is necessary to convey the
full sense of the conversation.