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Postautor: Domi19178 » 20 mar 2010, 1:14

The Vikings were Scandinavians from Norway,Sweden and Denmark.They were strong and tall,with fair anh blue eyes.The word Viking means pirate,and the Vikings sailed to Britain over 1,200 years ago to steal gold,silver and land.They had fantastic ships which carried up 200 people!On 1 November 866,Vikings attacked York,and they called they city Jorvik.Many Vikings came to Jorvik and lived there with their families.In the 1970s,archeologists found lots of clues about Vikings life under a street in the centre of York.TheThe Jorvik Viking Centre opened on this site in 1984.We now know that the Vikings liked music,and they played board games and dice games.They ate meat and lots of fish,fruit and vegetables.They also made bread and they drank beer.Viking women wore long dresses,and the men wore shirts and trousers.Everyone wore jewellery.The Vikings were great explorers-Britain wasn's the only country they visited.Some Vikings went east through Europe to Asia,or south to Africa.Others sailed west to Iceland,Greenland and North America.A Viking called Leif Eriksson sailed across the Atlantic 500 years before Christopher Columbus!

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Postautor: Domi19178 » 20 mar 2010, 1:18

The Vikings were Scandinavians from Norway,Sweden and Denmark.They were strong and tall,with fair anh blue eyes.The word Viking means pirate,and the Vikings sailed to Britain over 1,200 years ago to steal gold,silver and land.They had fantastic ships which carried up 200 people!On 1 November 866,Vikings attacked York,and they called they city Jorvik.Many Vikings came to Jorvik and lived there with their families.In the 1970s,archeologists found lots of clues about Vikings life under a street in the centre of York.TheThe Jorvik Viking Centre opened on this site in 1984.We now know that the Vikings liked music,and they played board games and dice games.They ate meat and lots of fish,fruit and vegetables.They also made bread and they drank beer.Viking women wore long dresses,and the men wore shirts and trousers.Everyone wore jewellery.The Vikings were great explorers-Britain wasn's the only country they visited.Some Vikings went east through Europe to Asia,or south to Africa.Others sailed west to Iceland,Greenland and North America.A Viking called Leif Eriksson sailed across the Atlantic 500 years before Christopher Columbus!

Re: Przetłumaczyć ten tekst:***

Postautor: Gość » 20 mar 2010, 15:08

Wikingowie byli Skandynawami z Norwegii, Szwecji i Niemiec. Oni byli silni i wysocy, z uczciwymi i niebieskimi oczami. Słowo 'wiking' oznacza piarat. i wikikingowie przyż…eglowali do Brytanii ponad 12oo lat temu ż…eby kraśc złoto, srebro i wyspę.Oni mieli fantastyczne statki które przenosiły 200 ludzi! 1.grudnia 866, Wikingowie zaatakowali York i nazwali go 'miasto Jorvik'. Wielu Wikingów przybyło do Jorvik i ż…yło tam ze swoimi rodzinami. W 1970roku, archeolodzy znaleźli wiele śladów (wskazówek)ż…ycia Wikingów pod centrum Jorku. Jorveskie Wikingowskie centrum zostało otwarte w 1984. My teraz wiemy ż…e Wikingowie lubili muzykę, grali w gry planszowe i gry w kości. Oni jedli mięso i duż…o ryb, owoców i warzyw. Oni takż…e robili chleb i pili piwo. Wikingowskie kobiety nosiły długie sukienki, a m꿅czyźni nosili koszulki i spodnie. Każ…dy nosił biż…uterię. Wikingowie byli świetnymi poszukiwaczami-Brytania nie była jedynyum krajem który odwiedzili. Niektórzy Wikingowie poszli na wschód przez Europę do Azji, lub południowej Afryki. Inni poż…eglowali przez zachodniąIsladnię, Grenladnię i północną Amerykę. Wiking nazywany Leif Eriksson poż…eglował przez Atlantyk 500 lat przed Ch.Kolumbem!

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