One of the biggest mistakes that I see service business owners make is taking on as a client anyone who has a 98.6 degree temperature who can pay them money. This is especially prevalent with new service business owners, as they are willing to do almost anything in order to land that first couple of clients.
Invariably, what they quickly discover is that their practice is full of a bunch of clients with whom they hate working. Does this sound like you?
Turning away clients who aren't a good fit and waiting for the right client can actually increase your bottom line. How do I know that this works and how difficult it is to remain true to the principle? Because, of course, I used to be one of the biggest offenders of this strategy. It was only after several not-so-positive experiences in bad client selection that I decided to listen to what I had heard to be true about waiting for the right client but had never personally experienced.
visit client crusher now for more information.