Mam mały problem z przetłumaczeniem fragmentu tekstu, jest mi on potrzebny do mojej pracy i jakoś w ż
aden sposób nie mogę tego sensownie przetłumaczyć. Moż
e mi tu ktoś pomoż
e. Uprzedzam ż
e jest to raczej bardziej fachowy język.
Foresight programmes have a distributed role in the science and innovation system, rather than being "owned" by a single policy sponsor. Multiple organisations sponsor and conduct exercises that are specific to their own needs, but are coordinated with other activities.
A mix foresight programmes and exercises, also distributed across many sites but in combination with other elements of strategic decision-making. The principal concern of these activities is either structures or actors within the STI system or the stientific and technological dimensions of broader social or economic issues.