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Licencjat metodyka - language aptitude

: 28 sty 2010, 5:11
autor: anietka88
Witam, temat mojej pracy to The role of language aptitude in successful language learning. Chciałam prosić o kilka wskazówek co powinna zawierać moja praca i jeśli ktoś np ma jakieś materiały w formie elektronicznej którymi by się podzielił to byłabym bardzo wdzięczna ;) Pozdrawiam i z góry dziękuje za jakiekolwiek informacje!

Re: Licencjat metodyka - language aptitude

: 04 lut 2010, 22:50
autor: xeo
Przykładowe pozycje:

Abrahamsson, N. & Hyltenstam, K. (2008). The robustness of aptitude effects in near-native second language acquisition. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 30, 481–509.

Harley, B. & Hart, D. (2002). Age, aptitude, and second language learning on a bilingual exchange. In: P. Robinson (ed.), Individual Differences and Instructed Language Learning (pp. 302–330). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Metalinguistic knowledge, language aptitude and language proficiency Export Find Similar by J. Charles Alderson, Caroline Clapham, David Steel

Stansfield, Charles W. “Language Aptitude Reconsidered.” ERIC Digest. Washington DC: ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics, 1989.

Carroll, John B. and Stanley Sapon. Modern Language Aptitude Test: Manual 2002 Edition. Bethesda, MD: Second Language Testing, Inc., 2002.

Pimsleur, Paul, Daniel J. Reed and Charles W. Stansfield. Pimsleur Language Aptitude Battery: Manual, 2004 Edition. Bethesda, MD: Second Language Testing, Inc., 2004.

Stansfield, Charles W. “Language Aptitude Reconsidered.” ERIC Digest. Washington DC: ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics, 1989.

Skehan P. - Where Does Language Aptitude Come From?

Wesche, M., Edwards, H., & Wells, W. (1982). Foreign language aptitude and intelligence. "Applied Psycholinguistics, 3" (2), 127-40.

Carroll, J.B. (forthcoming). Cognitive abilities and foreign language aptitude. In T.S. Parry & C.W. Stansfield (Eds.), "Language aptitude reconsidered. " Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents/Center for Applied Linguistics.

Gardner, R.C. & Lambert, W.E. (1965). Language aptitude, intelligence and second-language achievement. "Journal of Educational Psychology, 56," 191-99.

Parry, T.S. & Child, J.R. (forthcoming). Preliminary investigation of the relationship between VORD, MLAT, and language proficiency. In T. S. Parry & C.W. Stansfield (Eds.), "Language aptitude reconsidered." Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents/Center for Applied Linguistics.

Peterson, C.R. & Al-Haik, A.R. (1976). The development of the defense language aptitude battery (DLAB). "Educational and Psychological Measurement, 36," 369-380.

Wesche, M. B. (1981). Language aptitude measures in streaming, matching students with methods, and diagnosis of learning problems. In K. C. Diller (Ed.), Individual differences and universals in language learning aptitude (pp. 119-154). Rowley, MA: Newbury House.

Ehrman, M. E. (1996). Understanding second language learning difficulties. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

Carroll, J. B. (1981). Twenty-five years of research on foreign language aptitude. In K. C. Diller (Ed.), Individual differences and universals in language learning aptitude (pp. 83-118). Rowley, MA: Newbury House.

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Re: Licencjat metodyka - language aptitude

: 11 lut 2010, 23:41
autor: anietka88
Bardzo dziękuje za pomoc :)

Re: Licencjat metodyka - language aptitude

: 25 gru 2019, 21:05
autor: volord2

Re: Licencjat metodyka - language aptitude

: 18 kwie 2022, 19:18
autor: vlord

Re: Licencjat metodyka - language aptitude

: 14 cze 2022, 0:52
autor: vlord