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praca licencjacka na temat MI

: 22 lis 2011, 22:37
autor: ventage
Witam, pisze prace na temat Multiple Intelligences i potrzebuje jakies zródeł oraz pomysłow :) Moze ktos juz o tym pisal ? Z gory dziekuje

Re: praca licencjacka na temat MI

: 17 sty 2012, 4:11
autor: selipa020311
Armstrong, T. (1994). Multiple intelligences in the classroom. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Armstrong, Thomas. 7 Kinds of Smart: Identifying and Developing Your Many Intelligences, New York: Plume, 1993.

Armstrong, Thomas. In Their Own Way: Discovering and Encouraging Your Child's Personal Learning Style, New York: Tarcher/Putnam, 1987.

Armstrong, Thomas, "Utopian Schools," Mothering, Winter, 1996.

Armstrong, Thomas. "Multiple Intelligences: Seven Ways to Approach Curriculum," Educational Leadership, November, 1994.

Balanos, P. (1994). Prior to assessment: A curriculum for the total learning community. unpublished paper.

Binet, A. & Simon, T. (1916) The development of intelligence in children. Baltimore:Williams & Wilkens.

Bruetsch, A. (1995). Multiple intelligences lesson plan book. Tucson, Arizona. Zephy Press.

Campbell, B. (1994). The multiple intelligences handbook: lesson plans and more. Seattle, WA: New Horizons for Learning.

Campbell, L. & Campbell, B. (1999). Multiple intelligences and student achievement: success stories from six schools. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Campbell, L., B. Campbell, and D. Dickinson. (1993). Teaching and learning through multiple intelligences. Seattle, WA: New Horizons for Learning.

Chapman, C. (1993). If the shoe fits... how to develop multiple intelligences in the classroom. Palatine, Ill., Skylight Press.

Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1991). Flow: the psychology of optimal experience. New York: Harper and Row.

Dunn, R. and Dunn, K. (1978). Teaching students through their individual learning styles. Reston, VA.: Reston Publishing Co.

Feldman, D. (1980). Beyond universals in cognitive development. Norwood, NJ.: Ablex Publishers.

Feldman, D. (1998). How spectrum began. In Chen, J., Krecheshy, M., & Viens, J.(Ed.), Building on children's strengths: The experience of project spectrum (1‑17). New York: Teachers College Press.

Fogerty, R. (1990). How to teach for metacogntive reflection. Palatine, Ill., Skylight Press.

Gardner, Howard. Multiple Intelligences: The Theory in Practice. New York: Basic, 1993.

Gardner, H. "Reflections on Multiple Intelligences: Myths and Messages". Phi Delta Kappan, Nov., 1995.

Gardner, H. (1999). Intelligence reframed: multiple intelligences for the 21st century. Basic Books: NY.

Gardner, H., (1983, 1993) Frames of mind: a theory of multiple intelligences. New York: Basic Books.

Gardner, H., (1990) To open minds. New York: Basic Books.

Gardner, H., (1993) The unschooled mind. New York: Basic Books.

Kagan & Kagan. Multiple Intelligences: The Complete MI Book. San Clemente, CA: Kagan Cooperative Learning, 1998.

Kornhaber, Mindy. Project SUMIT (Schools Using Multiple Intelligences)

Kilgore, B. (1993). Portfolios. DesMoines, IA: Leadership Publishers.

Kohn, A. (1992) Punished by rewards: the trouble with gold stars, incentive plans, A's, praise and other bribes.

Kovalik, S. (1993) ITT: The model-- integrated thematic instruction. Kent, WA: Books for Educators.

Lazear, D. (1991) Seven ways of teaching: the artistry of teaching with multiple intelligences. Palatine, Ill.: Skylight Press.

Lazear, D. (1991) Seven ways of knowing: teaching for multiple intelligences. Palatine, Ill.: Skylight Press.

Perkins, D. (1991) "Educating for Insight." Educational Leadership. Vol. 49, No.2, Oct., 1991.

Shearer, B. (1996) The MIDAS: A Professional Manual. Multiple Intelligences Research and Consulting, Inc.: Kent, Ohio

Shearer, B. (1994) Stepping Stone: MIDAS Student Workbook. Multiple Intelligences Research and Consulting, Inc.: Kent, Ohio.

Shearer, B. (1995). The Challenge!: Guide to Career Success. Multiple Intelligences Research and Consulting, Inc.: Kent, Ohio.

Shearer, B. (2001). The Student MI Workshop: A Short-Term, High Impact Program.

Shearer, B. unpublished paper. The contributions of a multiple intelligence assessment to college students in a career exploration class.

Tishman, S., Perkins, D. "Critical thinking and physical education". Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. August, 1995, Vol. 66, 6.

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Re: praca licencjacka na temat MI

: 13 mar 2012, 4:26
autor: adaj21
Witam, podane pozycje są bardzo interesujące, moż…na się dowiedzieć gdzie znaleźć podane książ…ki? Nie mogę ich znaleźć w ż…adnej bibliotece ani w formie pdf. Z góry dziękuję za odpowiedź :)

Re: praca licencjacka na temat MI

: 27 lip 2012, 16:30
autor: xeo

Re: praca licencjacka na temat MI

: 26 gru 2019, 7:13
autor: volord2

Re: praca licencjacka na temat MI

: 19 kwie 2022, 1:12
autor: vlord

Re: praca licencjacka na temat MI

: 14 cze 2022, 10:34
autor: vlord