Re: Info needed
: 16 maja 2003, 0:30
autor: Grzegorz_21
Co trzeba zrobic zeby sobie byc tlumaczem??? Ile na tym mozna zarobic? Jakie trzeba miec wyksztalcenie? Czy trzeba rejestrowac firme? Czy da sie TYLKO z tego zyc? Czy ktos nie wie gdzie i czy jest gdzies duze zapotrzebowanie na tlumaczy? W zasadzie tlumaczem to ja nie jestem ale to jest chyba dobra propozycja dla ludzi po Anglistyce, nieprawdaz?
Re: Info needed
: 16 maja 2003, 13:43
autor: savant
The European Union institutions usually recruit their translators by means of an open competition, although different selection procedures apply to temporary and auxiliary staff.notice of competition is always published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. Every competition is different, with the eligibility requirements and the content of the tests depending on current needs.
What about conditions?
you must be a national of one of the Member States of the Communities
you must have fulfilled any obligations imposed on you by the laws concerning military service
you must produce appropriate character references (extract from the judicial record)
you must have a thorough knowledge of one or two of the official languages of the European Union and a satisfactory knowledge of another official language.
Other conditions:
degrees and diplomas: you must have completed a full university degree course, not necessarily in languages; alternatively, equivalent professional experience is sometimes accepted;
language knowledge: perfect command of the target language (into which you will translate) equivalent to mother tongue command; thorough knowledge of at least one other official language of the European Union; good knowledge of other official languages (these language requirements vary according to the competition);
professional experience in the language field: the length of experience required depends, in particular, on the level of the post to be filled (for the basic career grades, experience may not be required) and current requirements;
age limit: varies, but often 45 years.
These are the demands of EU.
If you don't want to work for EU a degree may not be absolutely necessary however a qualification in translation is important as it gives you a possibility to acquire formal techniques and methodology which will add integrity to your work. It will help you to be credulous when starting out as a freelance translator. Lastly it will make you confident in the quality of your work.
What's more important is that you can't become a translator or an interpreter off hand. It requires some kind of indefinite gift, and patience, you need to be patient as text translation is not for very active people, in my opinion.
If you only studied English and you are not extremely interested in English, I don't think that you may have a firm background to become a translator, but always it is worth to try.
If you want to know the prices for translations you should contact with Stowarzyszenie Tlumaczy Polskich or look them up in newspapers or on the Internet.
Re: Info needed
: 19 maja 2003, 9:33
autor: kasian
That's important but has anybody have confirmed information regarding rquirements you have to meet to act as an official translator in Poland (to run such business for example). Do you have to pass any exams, have certificates, etc. What about sworn translator ("tłumacz przysięgły")??? (I'm just curious, don't intend to become a translator but knowing their prices one would like to know what is their background...)
Re: Info needed
: 19 maja 2003, 16:00
autor: savant
As far as I know u don't need to have any certificates if u want to be a freelance translator. You may only have very few customers. It changes if u want to be a CERTIFIED (not sworn you can have a sworn enemy, be sworn pacifist, you can give your sworn word) TRANSLATOR. U have to pass some exams, etc.
Re: Info needed
: 26 maja 2003, 12:10
autor: kasian
I'm sorry if "sworn" is not accurate for "przysięgły" but I found it in a official letter from a company (but it was an Austrian company - so maybe their translation wasn't good...)
And concerning my question - I know you have to pass SOME exams - but does anybody know sth more detailed regarding these exams and requirements for CERTIFIED (: translator (once again - I'm just curious)
Re: Info needed
: 12 cze 2003, 12:53
autor: az
Just call any certified translator (there are many in phone directories) and ask what requirements and prices are.
As far a I know: you have to have university grade (magister filologii) to work as a certified translator. Other requiremnents - see the first sentence.
To work as a "normal" translator: just visit any translation agency. Some of them will test your skills. Example: you will select your areas of interest (such as: medicine, law, technology (subdivided in chemistry, electronics, hydraulics, etc.) media, etc. from a list provided by the agency. You will have to translate 3 sets of 10-15 sentences each WITHOUT dictionary. If you make the test OK, you can expect orders.
Re: Info needed
: 27 cze 2003, 21:04
autor: Grzegorz_21
OK Az thx for your answer, but magister = master degree, and "normal" translator ( in my opinion does not sound that well) I would call person like that i think freelance translator. Anyway I do not think I can make enough money with that without working my fingers to bones, so i gotta look for some other ways of making a back.