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Kosovo independent - what do you think about it?

: 25 mar 2008, 23:07
autor: HowsAnnie
it happened recemtly.
and most people I know think it's great.and tell that It's like with us. with Poland after WWII and annexation
what do you think about it?
hmmm... I just hadn't thought about it but it changed.
I think it isn't as good as it seems to be.
maybe sb got some more to say?

Re: Kosovo independent - what do you think about it?

: 25 mar 2008, 23:15
autor: HowsAnnie
oh and it's what I know about Kosovo:
90% citizens of Kosovo are Albanians
Albanians have their own country yet, so it's nothing like Poland
some countries eg. Spain, UK didn't accept that declaration. because of their situation - Basks, Ireland,...
don't you think that Kosovo could cause other independece spurts?

Re: Kosovo independent - what do you think about it?

: 26 mar 2008, 0:16
autor: Gość

Kosovo WILL cause other independece spurts.
Whether we want it or not.

Although I follow most of the TV-news I cannot say I know much about Kosovo.
On one hand, this country will be totally economically dependent. They can't survive without outside help. What is the reason for such countries to exist?
On the other hand - people should be allowed to express their needs, expectations and wishes. If most of the citizents what to live in their own country - they should be able to do that. And they should be let to deal with their own problems.

There is always a question about similar regions all over the world. Who can decide about thier status?
However, I think that todays world is stable enough to handle several more declarations of independence. The question is - how many people have to die for it...?

Re: Kosovo independent - what do you think about it?

: 30 mar 2008, 20:11
autor: Gość
imo kosovo is something like silesia, they (we? ;p because i`m from silesia) also want to be independent, so I think it`s big BULLSHIT. What`s now? Northern Ireland? Quebec? Maybe Taiwan (what is only a part of China and I think it should be part of China forever).
You said that if some people want to live in their country they should, ok.. so I and my friends also want to have our country.. hm.. UFfP (United Friends from Poland) ;p

Re: Kosovo independent - what do you think about it?

: 30 mar 2008, 20:14
autor: Gość
sorry it should be tibet not taiwan, taiwan isn`t a part of china imo.

Re: Kosovo independent - what do you think about it?

: 31 mar 2008, 17:46
autor: Visiting...
If we want to talk about Tibet, I think a separate thread would be appropriate... The subject is just too complicated.

Only one thing - Maybe Kosovo is too small to separate.
However - Tibet did not declare independence. It was independent!
There was no Poland for 123 years. Tibet is gone for less than 60. It was invaded and is still under Chinese occupation.
If you want to learn smth, read

Re: Kosovo independent - what do you think about it?

: 02 kwie 2008, 21:02
autor: Gość
imo it`ll be better if tibet won`t be independent. Kosovo? They won`t exists without financial help from other countries coz they haven`t any idustry, no infrastructure, they haven`t got anything. It was made by group of idiots which want to make their ambitions and wants to be famous.

Re: Kosovo independent - what do you think about it?

: 03 kwie 2008, 16:30
autor: HowsAnnie
don't you think that it was made by people who want to be free?
I don't think that group of people declare independence just for fame. don't be silly

Re: Kosovo independent - what do you think about it?

: 12 gru 2019, 8:27
autor: volord2

Re: Kosovo independent - what do you think about it?

: 08 kwie 2022, 22:05
autor: vlord

Re: Kosovo independent - what do you think about it?

: 29 maja 2022, 22:31
autor: vlord