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Write everything you want just for exercice...

: 05 mar 2010, 2:50
autor: Madrash
Say what you wannt to say..
I think we could start talking about favourite rap songs, becouse I just like a rap. If not, write whatever...

Re: Write everything you want just for exercice...

: 08 mar 2010, 6:42
autor: dsaf
In my opinion it is good idea to write in English here to improve our skills but who can correct us when we make mistakes? Writing in English without corretion is useless, doesn't it? I really enjoy this idea but I am wondering about a sense. Your opinions please

Re: Write everything you want just for exercice...

: 14 mar 2010, 16:17
autor: hhhggg
I have the 1st correction : U wrote doesn't it while you should have written "isn't it" = Those are question tags/ Good luck:)

Re: Write everything you want just for exercice...

: 26 cze 2010, 1:59
autor: What
Hi :) how nice to find forum like this ;] I like this idea. Surely somewhere here is somebody who will correct our mistakes. So, let's talk about something :)

Re: Write everything you want just for exercice...

: 04 lut 2011, 3:50
autor: Pamm
That's right. So, somebody wrote about rap music. Sorry but I hate it. I like metal music or rock. For example Korn, System of a down and Hunter. Lost one is my favorite ^^ What you think?


: 21 lut 2011, 22:40
autor: marookko
I like Rock :D Metal is to strong ;p
System of a down is good band! but i like Scorpions,The Exies, and My favorite Nirvana:D
What is song is your favorite?

Re: Write everything you want just for exercice...

: 26 mar 2011, 22:48
autor: Gość

Music..I think is a one of the most popular subject when someone want start conversation.
I love listening music when i'm dusting the furniture or when i'm doing some exercises.
Ok and what you think about movies? Did you watched for example Black swan?

Re: Write everything you want just for exercice...

: 01 maja 2011, 6:40
autor: bobon
Hi ;) I like music very much. Just music. Can't talk about genres i like, bacause it's to much to talk about, i think. A few years ago I was listening to only rap, then only reggae, and then i thought that it's silly to choose genre you listen and i opened to all the music. After that, more and more kinds of music have been becoming interesting to me ;) I listened to a great deal of music of various kinds and form different years (starting from 50s). Now i can tell I love music - it's integral part of my life and i continiously meeting new songs bands and genres. I like rock, metal, classic rock, psyhodelic rock, reggae, ambient, progressive rock, jazz, blues, classic... There have been so much music created in our world, that we can now stop making music and we sill still have good music to listen for another 100 years ;) Nowadays music is often less ambitious than before. A mojority of most popular music is being made only for money without passion and commitment. It's sad.. To much computers, to little real instruments.

Can you help me to write an article?

: 13 maja 2013, 9:14
autor: BlueseaDaniel
:P Our company is need some LED Grow Light articles, but my English is limit. Can you do me a favor? :uscisk:

Re: Can you help me to write an article?

: 13 maja 2013, 9:18
autor: BlueseaDaniel
BlueseaDaniel pisze::P Our company is need some LED Grow Light articles, but my English is limit. Can you do me a favor? :uscisk:

Is a chance for you to exercise your English, please think about it.

Re: Write everything you want just for exercice...

: 28 mar 2015, 15:45
autor: PatBateman
So this topic is just an excuse to promote your website? I must admit, it's a pretty creative way to do this. You could be more creative, but who am I to say that? Congrats!

Re: Write everything you want just for exercice...

: 12 gru 2019, 10:35
autor: volord2

Re: Write everything you want just for exercice...

: 08 kwie 2022, 23:15
autor: vlord

Re: Write everything you want just for exercice...

: 30 maja 2022, 0:01
autor: vlord