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Re: Aussie slang

: 30 sty 2004, 9:46
autor: Man_at_work
If you are into things slightly bent and want to lear how Aussies (not all, but then a quite few) speak then read the following stuff:

So you think you're the full bottle on Aussie slang? Or are you sitting there like a stunned mullet, clueless about the national lingo?
If none of this makes sense to you then a new book from the National Museum of Australia could be what you need.
Aussie English for Beginners, the third in a series, delves behind the whys and wherefores of some peculiarly Australian phrases.
Put together with the help of the Australian National Dictionary Centre at the Australian National University, the latest volume makes sense of slang phrases, where earlier editions focused on uniquely Aussie words, like bludger, dob, ocker and swag.
Look up "chuck a wobbly" and you'd find it means to have a tantrum or lose your temper.
And it originated in no lesser a place than the federal parliament, when one Senator admonished another to: "Stop chucking a wobbly, Senator. Behave yourself."
It was a also a politician - later turned governor general - who helped get the term a "like drover's dog" into more popular usage.
Although it had been around since the 1940s, usually as a less than flattering term, it became more widely used after Bill Hayden - bumped from the Labor leadership - infamously commented in 1983 that a drover's dog could have led the party to victory.
His political contemporary Malcolm Fraser gets a mention for popularising "life wasn't meant to be easy", which he later attributed to British playwright George Bernard Shaw.
Bruce Moore, director of the Australian National Dictionary Centre, said some phrases were peculiar to parts of Australia.
Melburnians and Sydneysiders know you are getting away quickly if you "shoot through like a Bondi tram" but if you're from other parts maybe you'd use "be off like a bride's nightie" instead.
"We've been careful to keep out the very specific phrases," Dr Moore said.
The dictionary centre is also keeping an eye on the next generation of Aussie phrases to see if they have longevity.
While you'd have to have been on a desert island not to have heard "Not happy, Jan" from the familiar Yellow Pages advertisement - will it still be around in 20 years time?
And will the mangled dialect of the ABC's Kath and Kim - look at moy, look at moy!; it's noice, different, unusual - still have currency when the show has vanished from television screens?
"It's very hard to predict what will stay around," Dr Moore said.
Some terms have stunning popularity for a short time but fade just as fast.
In the wake of Steven Bradbury's unexpected gold medal win in the 2002 Winter Olympics, "to do a Bradbury" was commonly used to describe a surprise winner.
But now, Dr Moore says, it has almost completely disappeared from use.
Even if we become less prolific at coming up with uniquely Australian phrases that find a place in everyday language, it's more than likely that another book will be in the pipeline.

Re-printed from "Sydney Morning Herald"

Re: Aussie slang

: 03 lut 2004, 20:32
autor: xeo
Hello Jacek, our paths converged again, what a coincidence :)
if it comes to your doodles above, you know...Australia is Australia, slang is slang, who hasn't been there doesn't know what's going on in your scribbles above so could you be so nice and explain those extraordinary phrases in Polish in order to make us (simple stupid people) aware of what's going on there...list those phrases with Polish equivalents,'s hard to come by some words (or phrases) even in a dictionary...or maybe should we ask kangaroos ? :)

Re: Aussie slang

: 08 lut 2004, 1:59
autor: Visitor
G'day, mate, owyagowin?

a nice source of Australian sayings with explanations in plain English ;-)))

Re: Aussie slang

: 11 lut 2004, 22:16
autor: Visitor
No worries, mate! Seen some roos lately?
No, really, it's educating.

Re: Aussie slang

: 12 gru 2019, 12:08
autor: volord2

Re: Aussie slang

: 09 kwie 2022, 0:17
autor: vlord

Re: Aussie slang

: 30 maja 2022, 0:52
autor: vlord