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Pomoc w strukturach gramatycznych zdan

: 13 lut 2008, 18:15
autor: Gość
Mam kilka zdan do zrobienia uzywajac struktur gramatycznych.
Jesli ktos mogl by mi pomoc bede bardzo wdzieczny, bo sam nie jestem akurat w tym dobry.

1. Although Mr Brown was over ninety, he continued to smoke fifty cigarettes a day.
2. It wouldn't be a good idea to invite Betty to lunch.
3. Whose bicycle is this?
4. "What would you say if I offered you a better post, Ron?" asked the boss.
The boss
5. There are very few good shops in Warsaw.
6. Professor Brown was crossing the street in his black raincoat when I saw him.
I saw Professor Brown.......
7. It looks as if Mary's forgotten my birthday once again.
Mary seems.....
8. We wish the rain would stop.
If only....
9. Why don't you try to make her change her mind.
10. Why did you buy such an old car?
11. Our house is still for sale.
12. Everybody believes that Winston Churchill was an excellent Prime Minister.
Winston Churchill...
13. Is is not necessary for you to go to university.
14. He let me have a smoke.
15. "How often do you go to the theatre, Mark?" asked Bill.
16. They wouldn't accept my plan until I pointed out the alternatives.
17. Someone is coming to repair the washing machine tomorrow.
18. "I shall be meeting Professor Burns tomorrow."
He said.....
19. I can't find my wallet anywhere. I am sure I left it in the office.
I can't find my wallet anywhere. I........
20. The storm is terrible and so we can't go jogging.
21. It is not worth doing business with them.
22. Hurry up if you don't want to miss the ferry.

W miejsce kropek nalezy wstawic coś, a wyrazy tłuste maja byc uzyte w danej kolejnosci. Mam nadzieje, ż…e ktos zna sie na tym lepiej.[/b]

Re: Pomoc w strukturach gramatycznych zdan

: 14 lut 2008, 19:43
autor: Gość
Podbijam nadal aktualne prosze o pomoc z waszej strony.

Re: Pomoc w strukturach gramatycznych zdan

: 14 lut 2008, 20:09
autor: xeo
Najpierw Ty...

Re: Pomoc w strukturach gramatycznych zdan

: 15 lut 2008, 7:37
autor: Gość
Xeo chetnie bym zrobil te zdania sam, ale nie mam pojecia co tam wstawic wiec nawet nie moge ruszyc tych zdan. Kilka innych zrobilem te sa dosc trudne, a wydaje mi sie ze nie ma sensu zebym wstawil tam co kolwiek zeby tylko ktos poprawil.

Re: Pomoc w strukturach gramatycznych zdan

: 15 lut 2008, 12:27
autor: xeo
Zrób najlepiej jak umiesz (uczciwie) i wstaw do sprawdzenia, bo inaczej nikt nie kiwnie palcem ż…eby zrobić to za Ciebie na ż…adnym forum, taka pomoc to nie jest pomoc. Przetłumacz sobie zdania wyjściowe na polski i potem słowo kluczowe na polski próbując ułoż…yć nowe zdanie ze słowem kluczowym po polsku, potem pozostaje tylko przetłumaczyć na angielski.

Przykład zdania 1:

Chociaż… pan Brown miał powyż…ej 90 lat dalej palił ponad 50 papierosów dziennie.


Pomimo 90 lat pan Brown dalej palił...


Re: Pomoc w strukturach gramatycznych zdan

: 15 lut 2008, 14:23
autor: Gość
A wiec jesli mozesz to przetlumacz mi te wyrazy ktore sa w odpowiedziach bo nie ktore nie wiem jakie maja znaczenie w dalszym zdaniu. Wtedy ja zrobie i mi ewentualnie sprawdzisz. Dzieki ;)

Re: Pomoc w strukturach gramatycznych zdan

: 15 lut 2008, 14:35
autor: xeo
W słowniku sprawdź ;)

Re: Pomoc w strukturach gramatycznych zdan

: 16 lut 2008, 10:36
autor: Gość
Zrobilem kilka te ktore wiedzialem reszty jakos nie moge ruszyc. Jak mozesz to sprawdz i popraw mi bledy i ewentualnie jesli nie jest to dla Ciebie problem pomoz z pozostalymi.

2 You'd bad idea to invite Betty to lunch
3 Who knows whos that bike?
4 The Boss asked Ron if were you interested about better post?
6 I saw professor Brown when he was crossing the street in his black raincoat.
7 Mary seems that she forgot about my birthday once again.
9 Suppose, that you can try to change her mind
10 What for you bought such a old car?
11 Nobody else knows, that our hous is still for sale.
12 Winston Churchil was excellent Prime Minister, everybody belives that.

Re: Pomoc w strukturach gramatycznych zdan

: 16 lut 2008, 10:37
autor: Gość
Napisalem numerkami tak jak w pierwszym poscie zeby sie nie myliło.

Re: Pomoc w strukturach gramatycznych zdan

: 16 lut 2008, 15:58
autor: xeo
2. You'd better not invite Betty to lunch
3. Who does this bike belong to ?
4. The boss asked Ron what he would say if the boss offered him a better post.
6. ok
7. Mary seems to have forgotten my birthday once again.
9. Suppose you try to make her change her mind?
10. What was it that made you buy such an old car. / What was the reason for buying such an old car ?
11. Nobody has bought our house so far.
12. W.C. is believed to have been an excellent Prime Minister.

próbuj dalej, na tym polega nauka, metoda prób i błędów, trzymam kciuki ;)

Re: Pomoc w strukturach gramatycznych zdan

: 16 lut 2008, 23:36
autor: Gość
mzoesz sprawdzic 4 bo chyba nie zwrociles uwagi ale w odpowiedzi musi byc tak: The Boss

jutro sprobuje te i jeszcze mam kilka innych bo dzisiaj pisalem co innego na angielski dzieki wielkie za pomoc;)

Re: Pomoc w strukturach gramatycznych zdan

: 16 lut 2008, 23:55
autor: xeo
A faktycznie...

no to będzie tak:

The boss asked Ron what he would say if he were offered a better post.

jedno Ci zrobię gratis w nagrodę za włoż…ony wysiłek :spoko:

1. Despite being over ninety, Mr. Brown continued to smoke fifty cigarettes a day.

Re: Pomoc w strukturach gramatycznych zdan

: 18 lut 2008, 23:33
autor: Gość
Musze miec te zdania najpozniej jutro wieczorem :/ zostalo mi jeszcze okolo 30 a wiec Xeo mam prosbe zrobie kilka jak mzoesz to popraw a te ktorych nie wiem jak pomoz.

1. It is not worth doing business with them.
There is no sense to do business with them.
2. Hurry up if you don't want to miss the ferry.
Unless you don't hurry up we will miss the ferry.
3. "I shall be meeting Professor Burns tomorrow."
He said that he is going to meet Professor Burns tommorow.
4. It is not necessary for you to go to university.
You don't have to go to the university.
5. He let me have a smoke.
I've got a permission to smoke??
6. They wouldn't accept my plan until I pointed out the alternatives.
Only if I point out the alternatives, they going to accept my plan.
7. We should water the roses.
The roses needs watering.
8. The manager thinks it is not a good design.
Manager won't approve this design.
9. You won't succeed unless you work hard.
Only if you will work hard, you going to succeed.

To tyle z tych co zrobiłem. Mam nadzieje, ze te ktore napisze teraz pomozesz mi, poniewaz mam czas do jutra do popoludnia :/ a wczesniej szkola :/
Oczywiscie jutro dostane kolejne 50 do cwiczen i dalej bede probował metodą prob i błędów ale narazie to same błedy :P

I realized how ill she was only when I visited her
It wasn't.....
"Mark is the one who blackmailed Teresa," said Jan.
Jan accused....
The winter in Moscow is too severe for pickpockets to work in the streets.
The winter in Moscow is not.....
Henry had toothache because he didn't use a good toothpaste regulary.
I started to get up at 5 a.m. as regular habit many years ago.
I took.....many years ago.
The south of Poland is drier than the north.
There isn't......rain.....
I managed to persuade him to come with me after several hours of heated argument.
Only......persuading.....with me.
Janet was so clever taht she could do all calculations in her head.
I never did anything of that sort.
At no time.....
I didn't have any money on me, so I couldn't buy you a drink.
I expected the test to be easier than that.
The test was not.....
She was such a beautiful girl that I fell in love with her.
She was
His true name will always remain a secret.
No one.....
I had feeling that somebody was following me.
I felt as if I......
You really ought to have your lungs X-rayed.
It is high....
It wasn't a good idea to invite Jim to the reception.
Jim should.....

Re: Pomoc w strukturach gramatycznych zdan

: 19 lut 2008, 19:00
autor: xeo
1. There's no point doing business with them
2. Unless you hurry up....
3. He said that he would be meeting Professor Burns the following day
4. ok
5. I was allowed to have a smoke
6. Only if I pointed out the alternatives would they accept my plan
7. The roses need watering
8. The manager doesn't approve of this design
9. Only if you work hard, you will succeed

uwagi ko?cowe:
pami?taj, ?e wa?ny jest czas w jakim jest napisane zdanie wyj?ciowe np. zdanie 5 - I've got permission to smoke (tylko bez "a") by?oby dobre gdyby nie fakt, ?e zdanie wyj?ciowe jest w czasie przesz?ym. ?adnego zmieniania z "will" na "going to" itp.

no to znów jedno gratis w nagrod?:
I expected the test to be easier than that.
The test was not.....
The test was not as easy as I expected

Re: Pomoc w strukturach gramatycznych zdan

: 19 lut 2008, 19:31
autor: Gość
Xeo a mogl bys pomoc w reszcie zdan? potrzebuje tego bardzo pilnie dzisiaj miec bo termin mi minał właśnie, jutro bede mial kolejne 50 nowych to bede probowal sam a Ty mi sprawdzisz tylko teraz tych bardzo potrzebuje.

Re: Pomoc w strukturach gramatycznych zdan

: 19 lut 2008, 19:46
autor: xeo
Walcz do końca, cała Polska kibicuje, do końca dnia jeszcze ponad 4 godziny, zdąż…ysz spokojnie.

Re: Pomoc w strukturach gramatycznych zdan

: 19 lut 2008, 20:15
autor: Gość
"Mark is the one who blackmailed Teresa," said Jan.
Jan accused Mark, for being the one who blackmailed Teresa

I managed to persuade him to come with me after severeal hours of heated arument.
Only my managing maked him persuading after severeal hours of heated arguments with me.

I didn't have any money on me, so I couldn't buy you a drink.
Had i no money on me, so i couldn't buy you a drink.

I expected the test to be easier than that.
The test was not enough easy as i though.

It wasn't a good idea to invite Jim to the reception.
Jim should not be invited to the receotion.

Szefie tych innych serio nie wiem jak zrobic :/ sprobowal byl ale sam widzisz ze robie te co moge i to źle;/

Re: Pomoc w strukturach gramatycznych zdan

: 19 lut 2008, 20:52
autor: xeo
Jan accused Mark of being the one...

Only after several hours of heated argument did I succeed in persuading him to come with me. (pomieszałeś tutaj z tym wytłuszczonym tekstem)

Had I had money on me, I could have bought you a drink

Jim should not have been invited to the reception

ps. zdanie z testem zrobiłem Ci gratis wcześniej
The test was not as easy as I expected

ps. robimy robimy, nie marudzimy ;)

Re: Pomoc w strukturach gramatycznych zdan

: 25 lut 2008, 15:44
autor: Gość
A wiec tamte zdania juz sa zrobione, mam kolejne 50 :D:D do srody ale ostatecznie na necie bede jutro wieczorem wiec musze je miec takze zaczynam xeo licze na pomoc :P

1. There is no doubt Margaret will come to Warsaw tomorrow.
bound in
2. We guarantee to refund the purchase money if this product fails to give satisfaction.
If this product fail we will refund the purchased money
3. Why doesn't he write an article himself?
I suggest him to write and article about himself.
4. Mr Brown has no reason to criticize this book.
There is no reason why he criticizing this book.
5. John paid a lot of money to go to Europe.
It a great
6. I'm sure he has finished by now.
He must......
7. Jane entered the room but I didn't hear that.
I didn't heard when Jane has entered the room.
8. I will agree to take part in the venture provided I am consulted beforehand about the arrangements.
Only if I had consulted beforehand about the arrangements, I would agree to take a part in the venture.
9. I am sure that she didn't say that.
10. Jim couldn't get to work because of the heavy snow.
The heavy snow had made impossible Jim got to work.
11. We took a walk to the forst after dinner.
After dinner we.....
12. In my opinion you shouldn't tell her about the accident.
13. Tom was the first person who read my novel.
14. People say that Mark is an extremely honest man but I would never entrust him with more than five quid. man......, I should....
15. Susan and I spent many moonlit nights in that old garden.
Wespent many moonlight nights in a old garden.
16. He used to go to football game every Sunday.
He.......every Sunday.
17. We have no tea left.
18. Things went wrong immediately after his death.
Hardly he died things went wrong.
19. Napoleon may have had certain faults, but cowardice was not one of them.
20. The river wasn't shallow. We couldn't ford it.
The river was too deep for us to ford it.
21. The drawer is securely locked. I keep my private papers in it.
The drawer I keep my private papers is securely locked.
22. The balloon went up. I sat down.
23. Smoking is not permitted in any part of this building.
.....not smoke....
24. If you helped me, we would be able to complete the assignment i no time at all.
If you .....hand,......of.....
25. It will be very nice to see you again.
I am looking forward to see you again.

Jak zawsze tłusty druk oznacza te części odpowiedzi ktore musz byc uzyte w tej kolejnosci. Mam nadzieje ze pomozesz mi to szybko zrobic jesli te zrobimy dzisiaj wrzucam kolejne 25 i moze jkos sobie poradzimy wspolnymi siłami. Acha i jesli mozesz to pisz tymi numerkami co ja podałem dzieki wielkei z góry, sorki za wymagania :P

Re: Pomoc w strukturach gramatycznych zdan

: 25 lut 2008, 15:46
autor: Gość
1 zdanie w odpowiedzi ma być w ten sposob:


Re: Pomoc w strukturach gramatycznych zdan

: 25 lut 2008, 22:11
autor: Gość
xeo zajrzyj prosze dzisia jalbo jutro i popraw co mozesz bo mam malo czasu :/

to jest PARAFRAZOWANIE do matury rozszerzonej!!!

: 27 lut 2008, 13:57
autor: Gość
jest na to bardzo dobra pozycja , a nawet dwie:
EXPRESS PUBLISHING -FCE (brązowa i niebeska okładka- tam są całe tabele jakie struktury i co po tym) a na wyż…szy poziom- zielona książ…ka adavanced lub proficiency; teraz mam swoje do sprawdzania klasówki

ale po despite jest of plus gerund
DESPITE OF MR BRown being ...9Lub his being late-czy co tam jest ..)

Re: Pomoc w strukturach gramatycznych zdan

: 27 lut 2008, 22:03
autor: przedka
1. Although Mr Brown was over ninety, he continued to smoke fifty cigarettes a day.
Despite the fact that Mr Brown was ...../ Despite Mr Brown being....
2. It wouldn't be a good idea to invite Betty to lunch.
You'd better invite ....
3. Whose bicycle is this?
Who....bicycle.... = Who does this bicycle belong to?
4. "What would you say if I offered you a better post, Ron?" asked the boss.
The boss = The boss asked Ron What would he say if he were to offer a better post.
5. There are very few good shops in Warsaw.
There....any..... = There aren’t any good shops...
6. Professor Brown was crossing the street in his black raincoat when I saw him.
I saw Professor Brown crossing the street in his black...
7. It looks as if Mary's forgotten my birthday once again.
Mary seems. To have foprgotten ...
8. We wish the rain would stop.
If only the rain stopped.
9. Why don't you try to make her change her mind.
Suppose/ Supposing you try ...
10. Why did you buy such an old car?
What.....? What was the reason for your buying...
11. Our house is still for sale.
Nobody has bought our house yet.
12. Everybody believes that Winston Churchill was an excellent Prime Minister.
Winston Churchill is beilieved to have been...
13. Is is not necessary for you to go to university.
You don’t need to go/ don’t have to go ...
14. He let me have a smoke.
I wasn’t allowed to smoke
15. "How often do you go to the theatre, Mark?" asked Bill.
Bill asked Mark how often he went ...
16. They wouldn't accept my plan until I pointed out the alternatives.
Only if I pointed out ... would they accept ...
17. Someone is coming to repair the washing machine tomorrow.
I am having the washing machine repaired the following day.
18. "I shall be meeting Professor Burns tomorrow."
He said I would be meeting ...the following day.
19. I can't find my wallet anywhere. I am sure I left it in the office.
I can't find my wallet anywhere. I must have left ...
20. The storm is terrible and so we can't go jogging.
But for the terrible storm we could go jogging.
21. It is not worth doing business with them.
There is no point in doing.. / no need to do ...
22. Hurry up if you don't want to miss the ferry.
Unless you hurry up we will miss the ferry.

PS mga być bledy gdyz nie mam z tym do czynienia od 6 lat !!! a książ…ki w tym czasie poszly na spacer po lesie !!!

Re: Pomoc w strukturach gramatycznych zdan

: 20 gru 2019, 8:47
autor: volord2

Re: Pomoc w strukturach gramatycznych zdan

: 15 kwie 2022, 14:01
autor: vlord

Re: Pomoc w strukturach gramatycznych zdan

: 06 cze 2022, 0:24
autor: vlord