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For and against essay of having a pet !

: 08 mar 2008, 17:24
autor: Nasir

Chciałem prosić o sprawdzenie mojej pracy i wypunktowanie błędów. Od tego essayu zależ…y moja końcowa ocena, więc błagam o pomoc ! :)
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For and against essay of having a pet

Pets accompany mankind from the dawn of history. Allegedly, the domestication of animals begun along with Neolithic Revolution (approximately between 10-12 thousand years ago). Some people either hate or love this accompaniment. For sure, there are various disadvantages and advantages of having a pet, which I would try to point out in my essay.

One major advantage of having a pet it is in my opinion that they can replace people and becomes one of our nearest and dearest. For instance, if someone live alone he would find it very enjoyable of having a pet. Furthermore, presence of an animal in home may provide grater feeling of security (especially when this pet is a dog). In addition to this, pets often play a main role in life handicapped and disable people.

Nevertheless, keeping a pet involves a lot of responsibility. Firstly, there are some extra cost which appear along with animals. Pet-holder always need to calculate constant expanses into budget, because his favourite requires food, equipment (cages, collars, aquarium, etc.) and probably veterinary treatment. Apart from this, if you decided buying a pet you will certainly tied yourself up with this animal, because from this moment you will always have to, before going anywhere from town, take into consideration your pet's needing.

Taking everything into account, I realised that my stance in this matter is rather balanced. There are both good and bad sides of keeping a pet in home. In my opinion everything depends on individual character of pet-owner, his particular relishes. I supposed relations between animals and humans are so much diverse and complicated as they are between people.


: 08 mar 2008, 20:22
autor: Gość
For and against essay of having a pet

Pets accompany mankind from the dawn of history. Allegedly, the domestication of animals begun along with Neolithic Revolution (approximately between 10-12 thousands years ago). Some people either hate, or love this accompaniment. For sure, there are various disadvantages and advantages of having a pet, which I will try to point out in my essay.

In my opinion, the main advantage of having the pet is that it can replace a human and become a member of our family. For instance, if we live alone we will find having a pet very enjoyable. Furthermore, presence of an animal at home may provide grater feeling of security (especially when this pet is a dog). In addition to this, pets often play a main role in life handicapped and disabled people.

Nevertheless, keeping the pet involves a lot of responsibility. Firstly, there are some extra costs, which appear along with animals. Pet-holder always needs to calculate constant expanses into the budget, because his “friend” requires food, equipment (cages, collars, aquarium, etc.) and probably veterinary treatment. Apart from this, if you decide to buy a pet, you will certainly tied yourself up with this animal, because from this moment you will always have to, before going anywhere from town, take into consideration your pet's needing.

Having taken everything into account, I realised that my stance in this matter is rather balanced. There are both good and bad sides of keeping the pet at home. From my point of view, everything depends on the individual character of the pet-owner, his/her particular relishes. I supposed relations between animals and humans are so much diverse and complicated as they are between people.

Re: For and against essay of having a pet !

: 08 mar 2008, 20:28
autor: Gość
chciałam tylko dodać, ż…e poprawa, którą Ci napisałam jest nie do końca rzetelna, ponieważ… chodzę dopiero do liceum oraz na kurs CAE, więc wiesz, niektóre z tych zdań nie do końca mogą być OK, chociaż… starałam się wszystko poprawić zgodnie z tym czego się już… zdązyłam nauczyć;-) Mam nadzieję, ż…e jednak okazałam sie pomocna:)
Pozdrawiam i ż…yczę świetnej oceny!:]

Re: For and against essay of having a pet !

: 20 gru 2019, 9:36
autor: volord2

Re: For and against essay of having a pet !

: 15 kwie 2022, 14:28
autor: vlord

Re: For and against essay of having a pet !

: 06 cze 2022, 1:07
autor: vlord