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List prywatny

: 11 mar 2008, 16:52
autor: Malinka.
6. Hi Laura,
Thanks for your letter. It was a nice surprise to hear from you again after so many months. IĂ­m sorry I havenĂ­t written for so long, but I donĂ­t have time. IĂ­m writing to you, because I want to tell you about my new boyfriend. We met three months ago in the shop wit toys. I bought a teddy bear for my sister. He names Maciek and he is cool. He is tall and athletic. He hale got a short, brown hair, a green, expressive eyes, a pointed nose and a beautiful smile. He is a sensitive, responsible, chatty, outgoing and active person. He is funny, charming, tolerant, bright and good-natured, too. He is a very, very patient person. IĂ­m very happy with Maciek, now. We want to together fly to New York on holidays. And how are you ? Looking forward to hearing from you. Take care. Hugs and kiesses.

Re: List prywatny

: 13 mar 2008, 16:21
autor: Gość
Hi Laura,

Thanks for your letter. It was a nice surprise to hear from you again after so many months. I'm sorry I haven't written for so long, but I DIDNT'T have time. I'm writing to you, because I want to tell you about my new boyfriend. We met three months ago in A TOY-SHOP WHERE I WAS BUYING a teddy bear for my sister. HIS NAME IS Maciek and he is cool. He is tall and athletic. MACIEK (aby ciąge HE nie było) HAS short, brown hair, green, expressive eyes, a pointed nose and a beautiful smile. He is a sensitive, responsible, chatty, outgoing and active person. He is funny, charming, tolerant, bright and good-natured. MACIEK is EXTREMELY patient, TOO. I'm very happy THAT I AM with HIM. We want TO fly TOGETHER TO New York on holidays. And how are you ? Looking forward to hearing from you. Take care.


/by AdamK/

list prywatny

: 27 mar 2011, 0:43
autor: Gość
Prosze o pomoc w napisaniu listy prywatnego po ang. Tekst zadania:
Twoja rodzina uczestniczy w wakacyjnej wymianie mieszkan . P rzez dwa tyg podczas waszej nieobecnosci w waszym mieszkaniu przebywac bedzie malzenstwo z anglii napisz do nich list z instrukcjami ktory zostawic w biurze firmy koordynujacacej program.
-wyraz zadowolenie z ich przyjazdu do polski i zycz im milego pobytu
-powiedz gdzie znajda klucze do mieszkania i kto im pomoze w razie jakichkolwiek klopotow
-poinformuj jak maja dbac o rosliny na balkonie
-wymien 2 rzeczy o ktorych musza pamietac przed opuszczeniem waszego mieszkania
Prosze o pomoc jestem w krytycznej sytuacji i musze napisac bdb ten list bardzo prosze o pomoc !

Re: List prywatny

: 20 gru 2019, 9:48
autor: volord2

Re: List prywatny

: 15 kwie 2022, 14:35
autor: vlord

Re: List prywatny

: 06 cze 2022, 1:14
autor: vlord