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: 19 maja 2008, 22:54
autor: Gość
Potrzebuję pomocy kogoś dobrze władającego językiem angielskim ponieważ… napisałem prace na ten przedmiot, ale nie wiem czy jest ona napisana dobrze pod względem gramatycznym.

Recycling is very important issue today. But the problem ist tah not enough people actually take the time or make the effort to recycle. What then, can be done to encourage more people to start recycling ?
Firstly we must organise a competition between local schools to see who can collect the most paper, glas or cans etc. Thanks that the children will learn much about the importance of recycling and maybe they involve their families, too.
Secondly place recycling bins should be in more places around the town, especially in the area of housing. Thanks that people will find it easier and more convenient to recycle their rubbish.
Furthermore we should start a reward to pay people for recycling a penny, a bottle, a can. This will encourage more people to recycle their bottles and cans.

Zostało mi jeszcze zakończenie, które dokończę jeśli tylko jakaś przyjazna dusza sprawdzi mi tą część, z góry dziękuję.

Re: Recycling

: 20 maja 2008, 15:45
autor: HowsAnnie
Recycling is very important issue today. But the problem ist that not enough people actually take the time or make the effort to recycle. What then can be done to encourage more people to start recycling?
Firstly we must organise a competition between local schools to see who can collect the most paper, glass or cans etc. Thanks to that the children will learn much about the importance of recycling and maybe they'll involve their families, too.
Secondly recycling bins should be in more places around the town, especially in the area of housing. Thanks to that people will find it easier and more convenient to recycle their rubbish.
Furthermore we should start paying a reward to people for recycling - a penny, a bottle or a can. This will encourage more people to recycle their bottles and cans.

ogólnie dobrze napisany tekst. parę tylko błędów jak widać

a penny, a bottle, a can - czy tu chodzi o to, ż…e jeden pens za butelka albo puszkę?
zmieniłam trochę bo tak to nie bardzo było widać o co chodzi
zresztą nadal kiepsko widać:D

Re: Recycling

: 20 gru 2019, 13:31
autor: volord2

Re: Recycling

: 15 kwie 2022, 16:42
autor: vlord

Re: Recycling

: 06 cze 2022, 4:49
autor: vlord