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Sprawdzenie wypowiedzi pisemnej - list.

: 26 wrz 2008, 16:45
autor: Klutka
Bardzo prosiłabym o sprawdzenie głównie chodzi o gramatykę i poprawnośc zwrotów w liście.
Dear Anna and John,
How are you? I’m fine. I’m writing to you, because I mean about speech, which I was.
Speech was a sensible diet, healthy lifestyle. My mother is trainer, because she unfould.
Lectures progressed in mother’s fitness club “KEEP FIT” on 1st of September.
My mother was talking about do opportunely regular exercise in order to stay your fit and if somebody don’t lack energy he should get enough sleep. The most in advices are eat as much low-fat food and give-up smoking, because cigarettes shortens life and are harmful for our health.
I’ll have to think about it. However I think, that advices my mother are very important. I’ll eat as much low-fat food and take up sport such as swimming. I’ll care my health and my family.
Write soon,

Re: Sprawdzenie wypowiedzi pisemnej - list.

: 27 wrz 2008, 19:27
autor: Gość
DearAnna and John,
How are you? I’m fine. I’m writing to you because of the speech I attended.
The speech was on a sensible diet and generally a healthy lifestyle. My mother is a trainer. (to dodatkowe wtrącenie o jej rozwoju tu nie pasuje!)
THe lectures took place in "KEEP FIT" -mother’s fitness club, the 1st of September.
My mother was talking about doing regular exercises in order to keep fit. If somebody lacked energy he should get enough sleep. Most of her advice concerned eating a lot of low-fat food and giving-up smoking, because cigarettes shorten people's life and are harmful for their health.
I’ll have to think about it. However I think that my mother's advice is very important. I’ll eat as much low-fat food as I can and take up sport such as swimming. I’ll care about my and my family's health.
Write soon,

**** zmodernizowane, aby to jakoś wyglądało, musisz duż…o pisać i pisz myśląc strukturami angielskimi , staraj się nie przekładac tego co masz na myśli po polsku; niekoniecznie musisz biegać po słowniku wyszukujac trudnych słów. To zdanie o wykładzie mamy bylo za długie. małgorzata- powodzenia****i jeszcze jedno szkoda,ż…e nie napisałaś polecenia.[/

Re: Sprawdzenie wypowiedzi pisemnej - list.

: 20 gru 2019, 16:03
autor: volord2

Re: Sprawdzenie wypowiedzi pisemnej - list.

: 15 kwie 2022, 18:06
autor: vlord

Re: Sprawdzenie wypowiedzi pisemnej - list.

: 06 cze 2022, 6:21
autor: vlord