proszę o sprawdzenie.
: 26 paź 2008, 9:05
The Nakla is small a village which is lives not far to the Bytów. In Nakla is big church. The church has red roof, big windows, big door and white wall. In the bottom there is silver cross. In my area there are 2 shops, the primary school and the secondary one. In my area there is a beautiful scenery and one entertainment center. In The Nakla lives to around one hundred a boys and two hundred a girls. In my a village is things which me likes and don't likes. It like me that is there a peaple which care about our locality and isa old peaple which commit aneself in activity in our a village. The teacher take up our the education. in the nakla there is playing field on which take place a matchs and a play sports. In my locality there is two lakes. Over lakes be able to rest, sunbathe and swims on saiting boat. My a village is very pure?clean and friendly. In my avillage don't likes that youth and children consumes an alcohol. I find that parents shoulds take up a youth and children. we should often inspect our a youth. It don't like that under shop stands a drunkards and that a youths don't have culture to a old peaple. I find that drivers quickly drives along the Nakla. I find that our a village is so himself as another a villages. in each a village is differently.