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rozprawka do sprawdzenia

: 26 paź 2008, 15:51
autor: johnson
Witam serdecznie.. bardzo prosze o sprawdzenie i poprawienie błędów bo napewno się znajdą :)

'Adolescence is the unhappiest time in most people's lives.'

Adolescence is a transitional stage of physical and mental human development that occurs between childhood and adulthood.
A lot of people thinks that it is the most difficult time in our life. Is it true or false? I will try to answer that question giving arguments for and against.

There are several disadvantages of beeing a teenager. In this time we have limited possibilities. We could not drive a car or pay beer legally. Adolescence often attendant with hormones changes, spots, mutation and that is not a possitive aspects of teenager life. The last but not least disadvantage is that some people unfortunately fall in love and they feel misunderstood. They think that nobody can help them.

However, there are many arguments againts. First and the most important argument against the statement included in the subject is that we do not pay one's own way because we are porovided (by czy for?) our parents. So we have also less duties. Secondly, we have the opportunity to meet most new people and make friends. Youth is the time of partys and entertainment generally and teenagers are so spontaneous. They do not have to plan something a week before. If they want to have a beer after school, they just say and go to some pub.

Although there are a lot advantages and disadvantages of beeing a teenager, in my point of view, adolescence is not as terrible as it seems.

dziękuję za poświęcenie czasu,

takie widze poprawki

: 26 paź 2008, 21:43
autor: Pablosek
A lot of people think (nie thinks, bo to liczba mnoga, 'oni').
We cannot drive a car and pay for beer (nie could not, tu chodzi o teraźniejszość)

Adoloscence is very often connected with hormones changes, spots and mutation, which certainly is not a positive aspect of this period of life.

poniż…sze rozbiłbym na dwie wady:
"The last but not least disadvantage is that some people unfortunately fall in love and they feel misunderstood. They think that nobody can help them."
napisałbym tak:
Teenagers, not seldom, unluckily fall in love and that is one more disadvantage. The last but not the(tu też… musi być the, bo to stopień najwyż…szy przymiotnika) least they feel misunderstood, thinking that nobody can help them.

napisałbym teraz tak:
However there are some advantages of adoloscence.

First and the most important argument against the essay's subject is that we do not have to provide for ourselves because our parents do it instead of us. Thanks to it we have less duties.
Secondly, we have the opportunity to meet a lot of (nie 'most') new people...
Youth is the time of parties (nie partys) and entertainment generally because teenagers are very spontaneous (tak ż…eby uniknąć naduż…ywania 'and'). They do not have to plan anything (nie something które jest w zdaniu twierdzącym).
If they want to have beer after school, they just go to a('pub' jest policzalny stąd 'a') pub.
Ostatnie zdanie napisałbym tak:
There are a lot advantages and disadvantages of beeing a teenager, but from my point of view, adolescence is not as terrible as it seems.

jeśli matura przed tobą, to polecam zwracać uwagę na odpowiednie orzeczenie do podmiotu.
przykładowo: [list=]We is walking on a boardwalk in Sopot.[/list] powinno być we are walking on a boardwalk in Sopot.
ponoć na maturze zamiast 1 punktu ktoś wtedy uzyskuje 0,5 punkta. dlatego zwróć uwage na to.
Ogólnie ujmując, to nie ukrywam, ż…e podobała mi się twoja rozprawka. dla mnie była kompletnie zrozumiała. miała opisane zalety i wady dojrzewania, wniosek końcowy. fajna


Re: rozprawka do sprawdzenia

: 20 gru 2019, 17:43
autor: volord2

Re: rozprawka do sprawdzenia

: 15 kwie 2022, 19:00
autor: vlord

Re: rozprawka do sprawdzenia

: 06 cze 2022, 7:35
autor: vlord