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Prośba o sprawdzenie 2 krótkich zadań

: 12 lis 2008, 15:58
autor: d@nio
1 zadanie
Do twojej szoły ma przyjechać młodzież… z Danii w ramach wymiany międzynarodowej. Napisz zaproszenie na wieczór polski skierowane do młodzież…y duńskiej.
- Poinformuj o planowanym wieczorze
- Podaj termin imprezy
- Zachęć do udziału
- Poinformuj jak się z tobą skontaktować

The Polish evening
In the name principal of our school I would like to invite you yo the Polish evening. The evening will be on 22 August. The meeting will start at 5 p.m.
We tell you very interesting informations about Polish culture and folk customs. Come to our evening and discover Poland. If you interested contact me for more informations, my phone number is 123 - 456 - 789

2 zadanie
Opis obrazka - opisałem(starałem się) ten -

In the picture I can see some people. They are in a classroom. This people are one teacher and several students. The teacher is talking to the class. He are holding a briefcase in left hand and he are leaning against his desk. The students are sitting on chairs at their desks. They look interested. Probably the students are going to the high school. Behind the teacher is a blackboard. The blackboard is green, very wide and clear.

Uprzejmie prosze o jak najszybsze sprawdzenie tych zadanek :prosi:
Prosze też… o jakieś uwagi, propozycje co zmienić :)

Z góry dzięki ;)
Pozdrawiam :)

Re: Prośba o sprawdzenie 2 krótkich zadań

: 12 lis 2008, 20:04
autor: d@nio
Troche poprawiony opis obrazka( 2 błędy przez złe przepisanie z kartki :) )

In the picture I can see some people. They are in a classroom. These people are one teacher and several students. The teacher is talking to the class. He is holding a briefcase in his left hand and he is leaning against his desk. The students are sitting on the chairs at their desks. They look interested. Probably the students go to the high school. Behind the teacher, there is a blackboard. The blackboard is green, very wide and clear.

Co jeszcze mam poprawić.

Re: Prośba o sprawdzenie 2 krótkich zadań

: 20 gru 2019, 18:52
autor: volord2

Re: Prośba o sprawdzenie 2 krótkich zadań

: 15 kwie 2022, 19:40
autor: vlord

Re: Prośba o sprawdzenie 2 krótkich zadań

: 06 cze 2022, 8:32
autor: vlord