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Reklama - rozprawka. Sprawdzenie.

: 20 wrz 2009, 18:18
autor: Malolat
Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie.

Nowadays many people live in world, where lifestyle is fast. We must be up-to-date with new technology, trends or fashions. Advertisement is our main way to get intofrations about it. Advertisements become an important part of our life. It is profitable for us?
One major advantage of advertising is that it shows us what we can buy something and where prices are cheaper. It is enormous help for poor or thrifty people. Moreover, advertising is beneficial part of country's economy. The unemployment problem is reduced and workers have more money for shopping. Tax paid on goods sold can be used for essential services in society. Finally, advertising may be funny and sometimes becomes a part of popculture so move makers organize a lot of show of advertisement
On the other hand advertising can make people dissatisfied with they already have. Children of poorer parents feel inferior when they cannon buy the same things as their classmates. In addition, it is most aggressive way to convice people to buy something. Meople may be disgusted and nervous. Last but not least advertising causes people to place too much importance on material goods. They work long hour to can affort for goods on offer.
All in all, I think that advertisement is practical and necessary, though not free from risks. If we bear those risks in mind, advertisements may be only help for us.

poprawa tylko ogolna

: 03 paź 2009, 0:04
autor: wk125
Nowadays the lifestyle of people on our world is fast. We have to be modern people and modern must be new technology, trends or fashions. An Advertisement is our main way to get informations about such things as: fashion, new equipments, etc. Advertisements becomes important part of our life. It is profitable for us?
On the one hand, One of the major advantage of advertisement is that it shows us what we can buy and prices are cheaper in how stores? It is enormous help for poor or thrifty people. Moreover, advertisements brings very big incomes. An unemployment's problem is reduced so workers have more money to shopping. Tax paid on goods sold can be used for essential services in society. Finally, advertising may be funny and sometimes becomes a part of popculture so move makers organize a lot of show of advertisement
On the other hand advertising can make people dissatisfied with they already have. Children of poorer parents feel inferior when they cannon buy the same things as their classmates. In addition, it is most aggressive way to convice people to buy something. People may be disgusted and nervous, but least not advertising causes people to place too much importance on material goods. They work long hour to can affort for goods on offer.
All in all, I think that advertisement is practical thing and necessary, though not free from risks. If we bears those risks in mind, advertisements may be only help for us.

Poprawiłem ci tylko bardzo powazne bledy i bardzo rzucajace sie w oczy. poprawilbym ci dokladniej ale nie chce mi sie:)bo jest piatek. nie rozumiem wielu zdan i slowek, np. ostatnie zdanie nie wiem co oznacza. Nie pisales tego z wlasnej glowy prawda? Do pomocy przyszedl slownik, jesli jestes poczotkujacym to dobrze ze uzywasz slownika ale jesli juz bardziej zaawansowanym to nie radze ci. Spróbuj napisac sam rozprawke bez pomocy. Do slownika zagladaj tylko wtedy gdy nie rozumiesz jakiegos slowka przeczytanego lub jest ci ono potrzebne do wykucia.

Re: Reklama - rozprawka. Sprawdzenie.

: 21 gru 2019, 2:03
autor: volord2

Re: Reklama - rozprawka. Sprawdzenie.

: 15 kwie 2022, 23:56
autor: vlord

Re: Reklama - rozprawka. Sprawdzenie.

: 06 cze 2022, 13:59
autor: vlord