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List nieformalny

: 23 paź 2009, 3:33
autor: Cynamonster
Na jutro mam za zadanie napisać list nieformalny do koleż…anki, opisujący wakacje (z biura podróż…y. Ogłoszenia są w podręczniku). Jestem totalna noga z gramatyki, więc bardzo bym prosiła o pomoc w poprawieniu zapewne ogromnej ilości błędów gramatycznych:

Hi Paula!
Thanks a lot for your letter. How are you? I heard you was in Spain two weeks ago. Does the weather was sunny? Did You was with your parents or boyfriend?
Yesterday I have turn back from Chile. It was package holiday in mountains. I was sleeping in the tent all three weeks! A Guider was a handsome Argentinian – Carlos. Except me, in group was only two womans with husbands and one German student. They were nice, and we found common ground.
In first few days, sky was cloudy all the time, but fortunately the rain don’t come. The weather was changed in second week, when come huge hailstorm. We were in jeep, when the sky getting dark and we heard first thunder. In a few minutes we, and all our bags and clothes got wet.
When we come to Mapuche’s (indigenous inhabitants) village I’ve met old Man which sold me a beautiful hand-woven poncho.
It was a wonderful holidays!
Well, I must finish, because I go to my cousine birthday. Write back soon.
Lots of love,

Re: List nieformalny

: 29 paź 2009, 21:21
autor: eveline001
Cynamonster pisze:Na jutro mam za zadanie napisać list nieformalny do koleż…anki, opisujący wakacje (z biura podróż…y. Ogłoszenia są w podręczniku). Jestem totalna noga z gramatyki, więc bardzo bym prosiła o pomoc w poprawieniu zapewne ogromnej ilości błędów gramatycznych:

Hi Paula!
Thanks a lot for your letter. How are you? I heard you was in Spain two weeks ago. Does the weather was sunny? Did You was with your parents or boyfriend?
Yesterday I have turn back from Chile. It was package holiday in mountains. I was sleeping in the tent all three weeks! A Guider was a handsome Argentinian – Carlos. Except me, in group was only two womans with husbands and one German student. They were nice, and we found common ground.
In first few days, sky was cloudy all the time, but fortunately the rain don’t come. The weather was changed in second week, when come huge hailstorm. We were in jeep, when the sky getting dark and we heard first thunder. In a few minutes we, and all our bags and clothes got wet.
When we come to Mapuche’s (indigenous inhabitants) village I’ve met old Man which sold me a beautiful hand-woven poncho.
It was a wonderful holidays!
Well, I must finish, because I go to my cousine birthday. Write back soon.
Lots of love,

I heard you WERE

Does the weather was sunny? ---- > Was the weather sunny?

Were You with your parents or the boyfriend?
Yesterday I came back from Chile. It was a package holiday in the mountains. I was sleeping in the tent for three weeks! A Guide was a handsome Argentinian – Carlos. Except me, in the group there were two women with their husbands and one German student. They were nice, and we found common ground immediately.

During the first few days, the sky was cloudy all the time, but fortunately there was no rain. The weather changed in the second week, when a huge hailstorm came. We were in a jeep, when the sky got dark and we heard the first thunder. Within few minutes all of us, our bags and clothes got wet.

When we came to Mapuche’s (indigenous inhabitants) village I met an old Man who sold me a beautiful hand-woven poncho.
I had wonderful holidays!

Well, I must finish now because I'm going to my cousine's birthday. Write back soon.
Lots of love,

Re: List nieformalny

: 21 gru 2019, 3:14
autor: volord2

Re: List nieformalny

: 16 kwie 2022, 0:45
autor: vlord

Re: List nieformalny

: 06 cze 2022, 14:41
autor: vlord