sprawdzenie listu ! POMOCY!
: 10 lis 2009, 23:27
Musiałam napisać odpowiedź na list kogoś w którym udzielam rady co ma zrobić ż
eby znaleźć przyjaciół.
Dear Kevin,
Thank you for your letter which I received a few days ago. I was sorry to hear from your letter of you're worried because you have not friends in your new neighbourhood. I do hope that the matters you mentioned shall turn out for the best.
Why don't you go to the disco. When you enjoy yourself you can find new friends easily. The best thing to do is can give a party in your house and invite your neighbour. You never know whether that next door man isn't as lonely as you are. You bet that among all these people you'll find the ones that suit you.
I know it's hard to do at first, but belive me it will work! I wish you good luck! Please write and give us all the news.
Your sincerely / Take care
Dear Kevin,
Thank you for your letter which I received a few days ago. I was sorry to hear from your letter of you're worried because you have not friends in your new neighbourhood. I do hope that the matters you mentioned shall turn out for the best.
Why don't you go to the disco. When you enjoy yourself you can find new friends easily. The best thing to do is can give a party in your house and invite your neighbour. You never know whether that next door man isn't as lonely as you are. You bet that among all these people you'll find the ones that suit you.
I know it's hard to do at first, but belive me it will work! I wish you good luck! Please write and give us all the news.
Your sincerely / Take care