Przetłumacz na ang. i utwórz "zdania" wg wzoru:
My Grandpa cooks delicious dinners on Sunday.
1.Does your Grandpa cook delicious dinners on Sunday?
2.When does your Grandpa cook delicious dinners?
3.Who cooks delicious dinners on Sunday?
4.My Grandpa doesn"t cook delicious dinners on Sunday.
5.Why doesn't your Grandpa cook delicious dinners on Sunday?
a)Zwykle w niedzielę śpię dłuż
b)Mój tata myje samochód raz na trzy tygodnie.
c)Bardzo rzadko chodzimy do teatru.
d)Sporadycznie kupuję książ
e)Regularnie uczę się angielskiego.
f)Nigdy nie odrabiam pracy domowej.
g)Zawsze zapominam zapłacić rachunek telefoniczny.
Odrobiłam tak:
a)I usually sleep longer on Sunday.
1.Do you usually sleep longer on Sunday?
2.When do you usually sleep longer?
3.Who usually sleeps longer on Sunday?
4.I don't usually sleep longer on Sunday.
5.Why don't usually sleep longer on Sunday?
b)My father washes the car every third week.
1.Does your father wash the car every third week?
2.When does your father wash the car?
3.Who washes the car every third week?
4.My father doesn't wash the car every third week.
5.Why your father doesn't wash the car every third week?
c)We go to the theatre very seldom.
1.Do we go to the theatre very seldom?
2.When do we go to the theatre?
3.Who goes to the theatre very seldom?
4.We don't go to the theatre very seldom.
5.Why we don't go to the theatre very seldom?
d)I occasionally buy books.
1.Do you occasionally buy books?
2.When do you buy books?
3.Who occasionally buys books?
4.I don't occasionally buy books.
5.Why don't you occasionally buy books?
e)I regulary learn English.
1.Do you regulary learn English?
2.What do you never do?
3.Who regulary learns English?
4.I don't regulary learn English.
5.Why don't you regulary learn English?
f)I never do my homework.
1.Do you never do your homework?
2.What do you never do?
3.Who does never do homework?
4.I don't never do my homework.
5.Why don't you never do your homework?
g)I always forget to pay the phone bill.
1.Do you always forget to pay the phone bill?
2.When do you forget to pay the phone bill?
3.Who always forgets to pay the phone bill?
4.I don't always forget to pay the phone bill.
5.Why don't you always forget to pay the phone bill?
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