Napisłam cały opis i mam nadzieje, ż
e ktoś mi to sprawdzi.. Mam kilka pytan:
1)Czy to co napisałam jest w miare uporzadkowane?
2) Ktos ma moze jakies propozycje zdan ktore lepiej polacza ten tekst w funkcjonalna calosc?
3) Jak to oceniacie?
There is no single definition of a magical city, but if I were to give one, it would certainly be a place with historic buildings and amazing atmosphere. It must have a distinct charakter of its own with its magical ability to just make you feel good.
For me it is only one city in Poland which comes true this definition. Cracow lies in the southern part of Poland on the Vistula River and it is one of the oldest city in Poland. This city has a long and interesting history. Cracow has many impressive sihgts to see for examples Wawel and Sukiennice. The Wawel is one of the best place to visit, there are a monuments a polish kings. Everyone who is interested in history will be satisfaction. The sight from Wawel is breathtaking.
All year Cracow is one of the most bustling places in Poland. Tourists can see a large number of quaint and attractive houses which have a medieval history. Cracow is city for everyone because a tourist offers is very variety. For teenager who want to have fun there are many clubs and cinemas. For older people are many art. gallerys, museums and cafes. Cracow is beauty and gorgeous place when feel good artists and musican. Cracow has also a awsome restaurants where are served a traditional delicious food. This city is a great cultural center, too; the University Jegielonsky is famous for all Europe Union.
Cracow has a unique atmosphere. Visitors from all the world talk that this city is magical. I agree with this opinion. I would like to live there when I end my study.