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zadania na poniedzialek

: 28 lut 2010, 6:07
autor: djmartinss
1 Uzupełnij zdania przysłówkami w nawiasach w stopniu wyż…szym lub najwyż…szym.
1.I sometimes play tenis, but _____________(often) I play football.
2.They played really badly last year but this year they're playing even _______(badly)
3.Of all my exams maths was a piece of cake. I passed it _________(easily)
4. I'm going to arrive a little ___________(late) that I planned.

2 przekształć podane zdania na zdania porównawcze, uż…ywając konstrukcji
1.Health is more important than money
2.Mike has more friends than his brother.
3.Tina is more atractive that her sister
4.The first part of the book was better than next part

3 uzupełnij zdania urzywając so lub such's _______ a nice day. Les't go for a walk.
2.Oh, dear. We have to go back home. It's _________late!
5.There were ________ many people at the entrance we couldn't get in.

4 uzupełnij zdania przymiotnikami i przysłówkami w nawiasach oraz wyrazem too lub enough.
1.I can't play basketball well. I'm not _________(tall).
2.She didn't buy the dress because it was _______________(expensive).
3.We can't afford to travel round the world. We aren't __________(rich)
4.i don't watch football games on TV. They're ____________(boring) for me.

5 Uzupełnij brakujące samogłoski następnie dopasuj wyrazy z kolumny A do opisów z kolumny B
1. pl_ _ n
2. _ ttr _ ct _ v _
3. h _ n _ st
4. g _ n _ r _ _ s
a) He always tells the truth. ___
b) He's very ordinary. ___
c) He likes giving things to people. ___
d) She looks wery good. ___

6 Uzupełnij podane zdania przymiotnikami utworzonymi od podanych wyrazów.
interest , bore , disappoint , annoy , frighten , tire , embarrass , excite

1.She told me to read my composition in front of the whole class. It was so __________.
2.The noise of the traffic is so __________! I can't concentrate at all!
3.She's ____________of big dogs so she doest't go anywhere near them.
4.He didn't want to come to the party with me so he probably wasn't_________in me.

Re: zadania na poniedzialek

: 21 gru 2019, 8:39
autor: volord2

Re: zadania na poniedzialek

: 16 kwie 2022, 3:41
autor: vlord

Re: zadania na poniedzialek

: 06 cze 2022, 21:12
autor: vlord