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How the zebras got it strips - proszę o sprawdzenie

: 13 kwie 2010, 4:14
autor: igaiga
Zadanie: Napisz historyjkę zatytułowaną: "How the zebras got it strips".

Wszystkie nazwy zwierzątek traktowane są jako imiona bohaterów, dlatego pisałam je wielką literą. Z góry dziękuję za sprawdzenie i poprawienie błędów, których na pewno jest sporo... :)

Once upon time in the grassy grounds of Africa lived herd of white Zebras. They were very very happy and satisfied of their peaceful and safe lives.

One day Zebra S asked Zebra Z: "Have you heard that Zebra M is dead?"
"What? Are you insane? I saw it few days ago..."
"Zebra M was attacked by the Lion."
"O! That's terrifying!" - Zebra Z said.

Zebra Z and S went to water to the river. On the way they met Zebra O who told them about next victim - Zebra B.

The whole herd was shocked, confused at the same time. It was huge tragedy for everyone. They decided to go to the King of Animals and ask him for help.

When they came there the King od Animals said: "I can't help you by wounding Lion. It would be inappropriate but I may give you another solution: You will get strips. When you will be together no one will be able to hurt you. Do you agree with me?"

"Of course" - all Zebras said.

Next day when they woke up, they have black stripes on theirs bodies.

"We look so funny" - said Zebra Z
"I know but how will it help us?" - Zebra S asked.
"We'll see."

After few weeks the Lion came to their herd. They gather and stand in silent. The Lion head was spinning and it passed out.

It turned out that the strips camouflaged Zebras and the Lion got ocular ataxia (oczopląs).

So, now Zebras can live as safe as they had been living before the Lion appeared.

Re: How the zebras got it strips - proszę o sprawdzenie

: 13 kwie 2010, 15:32
autor: BirkeLaFolle
Once upon a time on the grassy grounds of Africa lived a herd of white Zebras. They were very very happy and satisfied with their peaceful and safe lives.

Once ["one day" odnosi się do przyszłości] Zebra S asked Zebra Z: "Have you heard that Zebra M is dead?"
"What? Are you insane? I saw it a few days ago..."
"Zebra M was attacked by the Lion."
"O! That's terrifying!" - Zebra Z said.

Zebra Z and S went to the river. On the way they met Zebra O who told them about the next victim - Zebra B.

The whole herd was shocked, confused at the same time. It was a huge tragedy for everyone. They decided to go to the King of Animals and ask him for help.

When they came there the King od Animals said: "I can't help you by wounding Lion. It would be inappropriate but I may give you another solution: You will get strips. When you will be together no one will be able to hurt you. Do you agree with me?"

"Of course" - all Zebras said.

The next day, when they woke up, they had black stripes on their bodies.

"We look so funny" - said Zebra Z
"I know but how will it help us?" - Zebra S asked.
"We'll see."

After a few weeks the Lion came to their herd. They gathered and stood in silence. The Lion spun his head and passed out.

It turned out that the strips camouflaged Zebras and the Lion got ocular ataxia (oczopląs).

So, now Zebras could live as safe as they had lived before the Lion appeared.

Re: How the zebras got it strips - proszę o sprawdzenie

: 21 gru 2019, 9:47
autor: volord2

Re: How the zebras got it strips - proszę o sprawdzenie

: 16 kwie 2022, 4:20
autor: vlord

Re: How the zebras got it strips - proszę o sprawdzenie

: 06 cze 2022, 21:54
autor: vlord