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: 25 paź 2010, 19:50
autor: LoGaN99
Załączam swoją prezentacje do sprawdzenia:
Main function of wave energy buoy is chenging wave enrgy in to electrisity. The wave energy buoy consist of coppper coil,magnetick shaft , fibreglass container,cable. First of all to start using this device we have to place copper coil int buoy floats on the sea surface, nextly we have to attached magnetick shaft to seabad by cable. One of this buoy can give as 100W power.Now i will try to explane how does it works: Sea waves oscillates.This oscillating montion moves magnetick shaft - it stars moving up and down . This shaft by moving through copper coil induct electric current.This device dosn`t creat any pollution ,dosn`t use fossil fuels . Wave powers are renowable energy so it is god for enviroment.But this technology have also defect to provide power supply to city we have to use 500 buoys. This number of bouys can distub for ships and fishs.
Porszę o sprawdzenie tego.

Re: Prezentacja-sprawdzenie

: 26 paź 2010, 23:47
autor: Gość
Main function of a wave energy buoy is to change wave energy into electricity. The wave energy buoys consist of copper coil, magnetic shaft, fiberglass container and a cable. To start using this device we have to place the copper coil into buoy floating on the sea surface. Next, attach magnetic shaft to seabed with the cable. One of these buoys can give you as much as 100W of power.
Let me explain how it works: a sea wave oscillates. This wave motion moves magnetic shaft up and down. The shaft by moving through copper coil conducts electric current. This device doesn’t create any pollution, or doesn’t use fossil fuels. Wave motion are renewable energy so it is good for environment. But this technology has also a drawback, to provide power supply to a city, we have to use 500 buoys. The large number of buoys can disturb the ships and marine life.

Re: Prezentacja-sprawdzenie

: 26 paź 2010, 23:50
autor: Gość
Nie zauwarzyłem. Usuń BUT i Napisz "This technology have also defect to provide power..................................

Re: Prezentacja-sprawdzenie

: 26 paź 2010, 23:52
autor: Gość
Jeszcze jedna poprawka
Uż…yj drawback a nie defect.

Re: Prezentacja-sprawdzenie

: 21 gru 2019, 13:47
autor: volord2

Re: Prezentacja-sprawdzenie

: 16 kwie 2022, 6:45
autor: vlord

Re: Prezentacja-sprawdzenie

: 07 cze 2022, 2:14
autor: vlord