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Krótki tekst.

: 22 lut 2011, 19:19
autor: Gość
Biorąc pod uwagę, ż…e mój angielski jest przepotworny i nijak mu nie ufam, proszę o sprawdzenie mojego krótkiego e-mailu, w obawie o ośmieszenie się na zajęciach ;)

From: XYZ
To: Stephanie
Subject: Hi from Poland

Hi Stephanie,

Thanks for your email,

I write to answer on your questions relatively my friend.
Christelle's 21-years-old student at UKW. She's studing History and she's living with her parents. They live in Bydgoszcz and always behaves in a very friendly manner. I really like them.
When you meet Christelle, the first thing you notice is that she's the kind of person you can trust. She's so responsible that you can always count on her when you have a problem.
She's inetested in information technology. It's her hobby. In her free time she likes swimming and dancing.
Unfortunately she's very messy.

If you have more questions send my.

Lots of love,


Re: Krótki tekst.

: 23 lut 2011, 18:48
autor: s.holmes
Hi Stephanie,

Thanks for your email,

I write to answer on your questions.
Christelle's a 21-year-old student at UKW. She's studying History and she's living with her parents (who always behave very friendly and I really like them!). They live in Bydgoszcz.
When you meet Christelle, the first thing you notice is that she's the kind of person you can trust. She's so responsible that you can always count on her when you have a problem. Her only drawback is that she's a bit disorganized.
She's inetrested in information technology. It's her hobby. In her spare time she likes swimming and dancing.

If you have more questions don't be afraid to ask.

Lots of love,


(Co do zdania końcowego w pierwotnej wiadomości: Unfortunately she's very messy. (messy znaczy niechlujny, brudny, upaćkany etc.; w znaczeniu nieporządny ładniej byłoby tu uż…yć disorganized) ---> Her only drawback is that she's a bit disorganized.)

Re: Krótki tekst.

: 21 gru 2019, 18:09
autor: volord2

Re: Krótki tekst.

: 16 kwie 2022, 9:11
autor: vlord

Re: Krótki tekst.

: 07 cze 2022, 5:00
autor: vlord