sprawdzenie zadania
: 07 mar 2011, 21:27
bardzo prosze o poprawienie mojej pracy bo zapewne sa blędy,
hi kate,
i'm very happy that we can see at soon, but tell me please when you want arrive exacly because i have visit to a doctor and i must to know this. how long can you stay? i show you me beautifull city,monuments, if you want we can go to the cinema or pub, you meet me friends and i thing you'll have fun.
bardzo prosze o poprawienie mojej pracy bo zapewne sa blędy,
hi kate,
i'm very happy that we can see at soon, but tell me please when you want arrive exacly because i have visit to a doctor and i must to know this. how long can you stay? i show you me beautifull city,monuments, if you want we can go to the cinema or pub, you meet me friends and i thing you'll have fun.