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List - zaż…alenie

: 20 mar 2011, 21:02
autor: mtweeman
Poproszę o sprawdzenie poprawności napisanego przeze mnie listu i poprawę błędów jeśli takie występują.

7 Reja Street
Wrocław 22-222

March 20th 2011

Polskie Koleje Państwowe S.A.
1 Kolejowa Street

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to inform you of my dissatisfaction with the railway service on 13 March this year.

The train was supposed to leave at 6.13. Many people were waiting for it, and we spent a half hour until it came. As a matter of fact it was not the end of drama. Suddenly, when we were travelling, the radiator broke down. It started to stinks in disgusting way. The train executive tried desperately to do something, but his manners of his actions were inefficient. In order to all these mentioned factors and despite all my endeavours, I was not able to get to important meeting on time.

Could I please ask you to ensure that such events do not happen again. I demand it strongly, because it is not the first time when railway service disappointed me.

I look forward to receiving your explanation of these matters.

Yours faithfully


Re: List - zaż…alenie

: 22 mar 2011, 20:57
autor: Gość
I am writing to inform you of my dissatisfaction with the railway service ( jaki? Ogólnokrajowy? Miejski?) on 13 March this year.

The train scheduled departure time was at 6:13. Many people were waiting for it, the train was half hour late. That was not the end of the drama. Suddenly, when we were traveling, the radiator broke down. It started to stinks in disgusting way. The train (personnel/crew/ conductor, wybierz jedno)) tried desperately to do something, but his actions were inefficient. (In order to all these mentioned factors and despite all my endeavors - Nie wiem o co w tym zdaniu chodzi), I was not able to get to the important meeting on time.

Could I please ask you to ensure that such events do not happen again. I demand it strongly, because it is not the first time when railway service disappointed me. ( jak moż…esz “could I please ask” w jednym zdaniu “ I demand it strongly” w drugim, zdecyduj się, albo prosisz albo ż…ądasz)

I look forward to receiving your explanation of these matter. (Ja bym powiedział ” I look forward to your response/reply with regard to the matters detailed/described above”.)

Yours faithfully

Re: List - zaż…alenie

: 21 gru 2019, 19:22
autor: volord2

Re: List - zaż…alenie

: 16 kwie 2022, 9:52
autor: vlord

Re: List - zaż…alenie

: 07 cze 2022, 6:32
autor: vlord

Re: List - zaż…alenie

: 07 cze 2022, 13:33
autor: ChokeSlam
Genialny tekst. To jest moim zdaniem doskonała opcja!!! Takie rzeczy to jest świetna sprawa!!!
https://pracemagisterskie-licencjackie. ... -logistyki