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Rozprawka na temat plusy i minusy bycia sławnym

: 28 mar 2011, 0:41
autor: Olmar
Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie.

All of young people would like to be famous and known by everyone. When we watch TV and look through†colorful†magazines, then we admire them and envy thiers uncommon goods. Otherwise the live of celebrities seems to be easy and nice but somethimes it's tiring and even dangerous.
In my opinion most of poeple would like to be famous because of the money. Who would't like to be rich. Somethimes money gives us a lot of happiness. They live in a huge villa with swimming room. They can relax in their home sauna. They can buy everythnig they want. It's very comfortable. If they are sad, wthey can just buy some expensive things and it could cheer us. Their conditions increase. There are no things wchich they are not able to arrange. All the people from our environment want to meet us. They seek for our favor. Famous person is admired, most of his fans want to imitate him. They can make theirs dreams come true. On the other hand there are a lot of cons of being famous. You can't be anonymus and not recognizable. The public opinion always observe and judge you. They can't not just live normally and do lot of ordinary things. Everywhere where they go there are paparazzi and they make them photo. It's always searching for scandal. Magazines tell lies about them and their lives. They do that to encourage readers. If they do sometnik wrong, their mistakes are discussed on TV. Somethimes being famous is very dangerous. Some fans could do everthink do touch or see theirs stars. It's not supporing, it's a disease.
Being famous have got benefits and disadveneteges. We can live comfortable and have everything we want, but on the other hand famous people want to go normally somewhere where paparazzi aren't following them. That what for me is a commonness is for them a impossible thing.

Re: Rozprawka na temat plusy i minusy bycia sławnym

: 28 mar 2011, 2:27
autor: Gość
All of young people would like to be famous and known by everyone. When we watch TV and look through colorful magazines we admire them and envy thier WEALTH. THEIR LIVES seem to be easy and nice but somethimes it's tiring and even dangerous.
In my opinion most of poeple would like to be famous because of the money. Who wouldN't like to be rich ? Sometimes money gives us a lot of happiness. The CELEBRITIES live in huge villaS with swimming POOLS. They can relax in their home sauna. They can buy everythnig they want. It's very comfortable. If they are sad, THEY can just buy some expensive things THAT CAN cheer THEM. Their conditions increase - NIE WIEM O CO CHODZI ?. There are no things wchich they are not able to BUY. All people from THEIR environment want to meet THEM. They seek for our favor- NIE WIEM O CO CHODZI. A famous person is admired, most of his OR HER fans want to imitate THEM. They can make their dreams come true. On the other hand there are a lot of cons of being famous. You can't be anonymus (SPRAWDʨ PISOWNIʠ) and not recognizable. The public opinion always observeS and judgeS you. They can't not just live normally and do lot of ordinary things. Everywhere where they go there are paparazziS and they make them photoS. THEY always searchi for A scandal. Magazines tell OFTEN lies about them and their lives. They do that to encourage readers. If they do SOMETHING wrong, their mistakes are discussed on TV. Somethimes being famous is very dangerous. Some fans could do everYthinG do touch or see their stars. It's not supporing (?), it's a disease (?) - CURSE?.
Being famous haS got BOTH benefits and disADVANTAGES. THE FAMOUS PEOPLE can live comfortable and have everything THEY want, but on the other hand THEY want to go normally somewhere where paparazziS aren't following them. what for me is aN USUAL THING is for them IS SOMETHING impossible .


Re: Rozprawka na temat plusy i minusy bycia sławnym

: 27 gru 2013, 9:41
autor: Szczecinianin
Niektóre rzeczy wyglądają jak wrzucone w google translator

Re: Rozprawka na temat plusy i minusy bycia sławnym

: 21 gru 2019, 19:42
autor: volord2

Re: Rozprawka na temat plusy i minusy bycia sławnym

: 16 kwie 2022, 10:02
autor: vlord

Re: Rozprawka na temat plusy i minusy bycia sławnym

: 07 cze 2022, 6:43
autor: vlord

Re: Rozprawka na temat plusy i minusy bycia sławnym

: 07 cze 2022, 13:32
autor: ChokeSlam
Bardzo dobre teksty tutaj dajecie. To jest moim zdaniem świetna opcja po prostu!!!
ciekawe tematy logistyczne