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List nieformalny

: 07 kwie 2011, 2:36
autor: aleksia23
Napisz list do przyjaciela, aby opowiedzieć mu swoje nowiny.
-Przeproś za długie milczenie i podaj jego powód
-Zrelacjonuj jedno wydarzenie z ż…ycia rodziny, opisując swoje odczucia
- Zrelacjonuj i skomentuj jedno wydarzenie z ż…ycia towarzyskiego
- Poproś o odpowiedź i zapytaj o nowiny adresata i jego przyjaciół

Dear Magda,
I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long. I have lots of work. I just study all the time. I hope your life is a bit easier!
Recently we had a big family event: my eighteen birthdays. The party was quite big; there was a reception for 40 people in restaurant with huge garden and lake. There was lots of food. It was good party because it was made because of me. I got lots of fantastic presents. I wish I could make that party again. Really it was the best party in my live !
Last month also had a party to celebrate first eighteen birthdays in my class: my friend Gosia’s. It was fantastic. I met some old friends – we have fun together for all night. I think is enough about me. How are you ? What's up with your friends ?

Hoping to hearings from you soon,

Re: List nieformalny

: 09 kwie 2011, 3:34
autor: Gość
Dear Magda,
I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long. I have lots of work. I just study all the time. I hope your life is a bit easier!
Recently we had a big family event: my eighteen BIRTHDAY. The party was quite big; there was a reception for 40 people in A restaurant with A huge garden and A lake. There was lots of food. It was A good party because it was THROWN FOR me. I got lots of fantastic presents. I wish I could HAVE SUCH A party again. Really it was the best party in my LIFE!
Last month I also had a party to celebrate first eighteen BIRTHDAY in my class: my friend Gosia’s. It was fantastic. I met some old friends – we have fun together for all night. I think IT is enough about me. How are you ? What's up with your friends ?

Hoping to hear from you soon,

Re: List nieformalny

: 09 kwie 2011, 4:40
autor: monimmi
Bardzo male poprawki:

Really it was the best party OF my life.
Last month I also attended a party to celebrate the first eighteenth birthday in my class. (I had a party to bardziej ze osoba mowiaca je wydala. Mozna napisac rowniez I went to a party)
We HAD fun together all night.
THAT's enough about me.

Ogolnie dobrze. ;)

Re: List nieformalny

: 21 gru 2019, 20:06
autor: volord2

Re: List nieformalny

: 16 kwie 2022, 10:16
autor: vlord

Re: List nieformalny

: 07 cze 2022, 6:59
autor: vlord