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Rozprawka matura 2006 - Teenagers taking up sport pro

: 15 kwie 2012, 4:20
autor: Falafin
Matura coraz bardziej się zbliż…a i postanowiłem poćwiczyć rozprawkę, więc nie jest to tyle co zadanie domowe a poprostu własne ćwiczenia, mam nadzieję ż…e ktoś mi to sprawdzi i pomoż…e. Wybrałem temat z majowej matury 2006r - Teenagers taking up sport professionally – pros and cons”.

Mógłby ktoś przejrzeć i znaleźć błędy? Co poprawić? Jak ogólnie to wygląda?
Zna ktoś jakieś fajne idiomy, które zawsze da się zastosować w tego typu (za i przeciw) rozprawkach?

Young people tend to be confused when it comes to choosing their future, some of which decide to take up sport professionally. It is widely known that success in sport brings acclaim and affluence to committed athletes, but being a young sportsman is no bed of roses.

To start with, training any sport seriously has its obvious advantages. Athletes have access to the best couches and dieticians, thus it allows them to acquire extraordinary body worth admiring. Secondly, often training sessions and competitions require leading healthy lifestyle, therefore active people are much more fit and healthful. Another merit, as I mentioned before, is the fame and wealthiness which you may achieve in many championships.

Nevertheless, teenagers aspiring to be athletes have to consider drawbacks of such a lifestyle. Firstly, unbreakable discipline and commitment are required, if you want to stick to training routine and strict diet. Another disadvantage, is the risk of injury or even death. For instance, surfing may be truly hazardous. What is more, young sportsmen may find themselves under pressure and high expectations, which might lead to taking steroids.
To sum up, teenagers taking up sport professionally have a chance to achieve most desirable things like a healthy body or fame and affluence, but they must deal with tough things like pressure or injuries. The path to success is remarkably difficult, and costs a great deal of tears, sweat and pain.

Re: Rozprawka matura 2006 - Teenagers taking up sport pro

: 22 gru 2019, 1:56
autor: volord2

Re: Rozprawka matura 2006 - Teenagers taking up sport pro

: 16 kwie 2022, 13:26
autor: vlord

Re: Rozprawka matura 2006 - Teenagers taking up sport pro

: 10 cze 2022, 16:16
autor: vlord