Re: moze mialby ktos czas spr moja prace czy napisalam ok?dzieku
: 22 maja 2005, 10:57
moglby poprawic ,znaczy spr tan tekst bylabym bardzo wdzieczna ale nic zadarmo moge umiscic jakies przysłowia po ang lub niem cokolwiek praggne oddzwieczyc sie z gory dziekuje zalezymi na spr tekstu moze ktos mogly napisac krotki dialog z niemcem :czesc-powiedzial
witaj-odprl po niemiecku
i tak zaczeła sie nasz aprzyjazn ,padaly rozene pytania,dotyczyly naukii planow na przyszłość
ale najbardziej zalezy mi naspr pracy:My best holidays i spent foreign countries.This holidays is really dangerous. I went after mountains and i looked very magnificent place.I was able to see beatiful views.Certain day in mountains i met german.His name is thomas.He was really nice and he is my friend for today.I remember as if yesterday there we joked and we played excellently.Except for i cultivated sport and i heard to music.We lived in small houses near the wood.It is possible to said that there was camp.We had the better custody .In my opinionion there was fantastic adventure.I had beautiful remembrance.I saw beautiful waterfalls and ate there many delicious.The rest of holidays i spent in small-Kozino.I was able to see a rock,wchich was a 100 meters high.It was really exciting .Kozino is very small and quiet but interesting town.I was in “National parks”with fantastic faun and flora.The sea was so clean,blue and warm. On beaches was a lot of small stones, there wasn't sand, so I had to walk and swim with some sort of shoes.I lived in hotel with my family.We bought many reminders and we did not want return to house .i and my sister had a room with window in ceiling.We had beautiful view on sky and stars. This holiday was the best of all my holidays and I hoped that some day i went again to this beautiful town- Kozino.
(>z gory dziekuje
witaj-odprl po niemiecku
i tak zaczeła sie nasz aprzyjazn ,padaly rozene pytania,dotyczyly naukii planow na przyszłość
ale najbardziej zalezy mi naspr pracy:My best holidays i spent foreign countries.This holidays is really dangerous. I went after mountains and i looked very magnificent place.I was able to see beatiful views.Certain day in mountains i met german.His name is thomas.He was really nice and he is my friend for today.I remember as if yesterday there we joked and we played excellently.Except for i cultivated sport and i heard to music.We lived in small houses near the wood.It is possible to said that there was camp.We had the better custody .In my opinionion there was fantastic adventure.I had beautiful remembrance.I saw beautiful waterfalls and ate there many delicious.The rest of holidays i spent in small-Kozino.I was able to see a rock,wchich was a 100 meters high.It was really exciting .Kozino is very small and quiet but interesting town.I was in “National parks”with fantastic faun and flora.The sea was so clean,blue and warm. On beaches was a lot of small stones, there wasn't sand, so I had to walk and swim with some sort of shoes.I lived in hotel with my family.We bought many reminders and we did not want return to house .i and my sister had a room with window in ceiling.We had beautiful view on sky and stars. This holiday was the best of all my holidays and I hoped that some day i went again to this beautiful town- Kozino.
(>z gory dziekuje