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Re: Angielski :) bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie błędów w tych siedm

: 01 mar 2006, 19:46
autor: Visitor
Proszę o sprawdzenie poprawności tych tekstów. :)
1. wiadomość/e-mail

From: Godmother
Subject: Hi my dear e-mail friend! :)
To: Minister of finance

Hi Zyta,
My name is Godmother. I’m almost eighteen-years-old student of a high school. I’m from Poland and I live in a small town in the north-south of this beautiful country. I’m studying all the time but I can’t see effects. I also sell schoolbooks end earn money in that way. I have a lot of hobbies one of them is economy and stock exchange. I like chess as well. My favoourit sport is table tennis. I hope we’ll become good friends. ;)

2. wiadomość/instrukcja

Hi Zenobia,
Guess what? I bought new radio cassette recorder. But unfortunately I have a problem. I don’t know how to record a tape. I tried to guess how to do it. First I pushed little buttons. Then I pushed big buttons but it didn’t run. I think I must have pushed each bottom at least three times and I still don’t know how to record on it. I’m so sad and angry for that reason. Zenobia could you try to record a tape for me? Please help me.
See you soon,

3. pocztówka

Hi Zachariah,
I’m on holidays in Genoa in Italy. I’m swimming a lot and clubbing as well. There is a lot of reasons why I like Genoa. One of them are laid back and interesting people, the other reason is beautiful sun. I’m very sad, that you aren’t with me now.

4. notatka

Hi Aldona and Leszek
Today afternoon when you aren’t present a young woman came to your flat. She had have long black hair, big dark glasses, a miniskirt and high-heels. First she said she must see you. Then she started cry. She told me she lose her job. I made a coffee and then heard all her story. She was very sad and depressed. Her hands didn’t stopped shaking. She was crying all the time. I was very sad to. This visit get me a bit down.

5. ankieta/kwestionariusz (moje są tylko odpowiedzi ;P pytania są dobre :D)

1. How often do you exercise?
Three times a week. I like exercising with other people because I’m a bit lazy.
2. What’s your greatest sport achievement so far.
First place in table tennis at high school and second place in table tennis at grammar school.
3. Why do you like join the club.
Because I like sports very much and I think it’ll be great fun. I’d also like to develop my hobbies.
4. What feature if your character makes you a perfect candidate? Why?
I like competition and I’m very ambitious. It helps me at my rule. I also tried to be friendly so I will be get on well with other members.

6. ankieta (moje pytania :))

1. What’s your job or what profession would you like to do in the future?
2. What’s your opinion about that job?
3. What do you think about disadvantages in that job?
4. How much would you like to earn?

7. zaproszenie (chyba ostanie :))

Chuck Norris a chief of a new vegetarian restaurant, is organizing a ceremony of opening and would love it if you could come. His restaurant will serve delicious salads and fresh fruits. The ceremony will start in Greenwich Village at 6 p.m. On the party after opening Chuck will show how to prepare scrambled egg without eggs.
You must come because Chuck Norris is famous for his cooking talent.

Matka Chrzestna

Re: Angielski :) bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie błędów w tych siedm

: 27 gru 2019, 19:02
autor: volord2