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Re: Prośba o sprawdzenie wypracowanka

: 23 mar 2006, 18:43
autor: balon
Proszę o sprawdzenie mojego krotkiego wypracowania.. pozdrawiam ;)
My Father is civil engineer. He work in his office. He design a roads and bridges. His work isn’t humdrum. He co-operation with other company’s. He often uses mobile phone and works on the network, but not only.
His day usually starts not early. He gets up about 900. After he eats a light breakfast: sandwiches and coffe or tea. At 1000 he goes to work by car. In work he does a projects. But he dont always work in the office, he work out too. At 1600 he come home. After he eats lunch with his family. Next he again goes to work. He come back at 2100. He eats dinner. Next washes up and goes to bed. He sometimes watches TV. Occasionaly he to listen to CD collection.
On weekends he usually goes to outing with his family or runs in a forest, but sometimes he has to goes to work.

But he dont always work in the office, he work out too. He often use mobile phone and internet, but not only. He enjoy his work, because his work is his hobby.

Re: Prośba o sprawdzenie wypracowanka

: 23 mar 2006, 19:34
autor: Visitor
Chyba sie nad toba zlituje moje dzecko... po coz wymyslac jakies humdrum????
co-operation to rzeczownik a tu masz on wspolpracuje ... koncowki on czasownik pus SSSSSSSSSSS lub ES

My father is a civil engineer and he works in his office. He designs roads and bridges but his work isn't boring.He cooperates with other the ....
....... After ( wymaga czasownik plus ing czyli GERUND)...
After eating .....of ..... coffee ... . ... At .... a project but he doesn't always ... in the office, he works ... . At 4 p.m. he comes home. Then ... . Next he goes to work again. He comes back at 9 p.m, eats dinner ( nasza supper), washes up ... . Occasionally he listens to his ... either. ( zamiast powtarzac too). At weekends .... walks with his family .... he has to ( po tym bezokolicznik) go .....
But he doesn't always ... office ... . He often uses a mobile phone .... He enjoys ... ( przed because nie ma przecinka i przed but i and)

nie powiem, aby to mi sie podobalo trzevba uczyc sie pisac dluzsze zdania laczone..

Z tym after fajnie wychodzi i to samo mozna zrobic z before...
np. Before going to work once again he eats lunch.
lub to samo zdanie After eating his lunch he goes to work.
pamietaj o koncowkach he goes, he eats
ale he tries od try przed y jest spolgloska to y zamieniamy na i plus es
tam gdzie jest koncowka to w przeczniu jest doesn't ( ta koncowka wcghodzi w operator)...
maggie .. znikam z tych korepetycji netowych Present Simple jest podstawa dopracuj to please ....

Re: Prośba o sprawdzenie wypracowanka

: 23 mar 2006, 19:45
autor: balon
humdrum to chyba monotonny ;) no ale ... ;) co do present simple to my tylko to przelecielismy wzrokiem praktycznie... ale wielkie dzieki bo juz widze dzieki Tobie co narobilem tutaj ;)

Re: Prośba o sprawdzenie wypracowanka

: 24 mar 2006, 6:23
autor: Visitor
wiem, ze to tak znaczy sprawdzilam, ale malo stosowane skoro sie nie natknelam , juz lepiej pyloby uzyc monotonous ... poucz sie tego Pres. Simple jak sie zgubisz zginiesz w innych czasach ....
tego nie powinno sie przelatywac.... maggie

Re: Prośba o sprawdzenie wypracowanka

: 27 gru 2019, 23:59
autor: volord2