Re: Waż ne! Bardzo proszę z angielskiego na polski
: 13 kwie 2006, 16:52
Dostałem tego meila bo wygrałem jakąś małą sumkę w loterii. I teraz nie wiem o co chodzi. KOrespondowałęm z kolesiem. Podałem swoje dane, i teraz dostałęm tegop meila i nie wiem o co chodzi. Prosiłbym o dokłądne przetłumaczenie.
Dear Mr. Bogucki,
I am in receiept of your last email. This is to inform you that your prize has been officially drawn on a demand draft/cheque to the ORDER of LUKASZ BOGUCKI. I am happy to inform you that I have forwarded the original copies of the entitling claims documents i.e your winning claims certificate, insurance certificate, Certified bank cheque e.t.c to our affiliate courier company-THE ELITE XPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICES.
The ELITE XPRESS COURIER will make delivery of your parcel containing the issued and authorised cheque to your designated home address haven successfully communicated their delivery assessment schedule to you.
Kindly forward your home contact address immediately for recieving the parcel to the courier company independently as I have equally forwarded your details to them. Find below their contact;
Dear Mr. Bogucki,
I am in receiept of your last email. This is to inform you that your prize has been officially drawn on a demand draft/cheque to the ORDER of LUKASZ BOGUCKI. I am happy to inform you that I have forwarded the original copies of the entitling claims documents i.e your winning claims certificate, insurance certificate, Certified bank cheque e.t.c to our affiliate courier company-THE ELITE XPRESS COURIER DELIVERY SERVICES.
The ELITE XPRESS COURIER will make delivery of your parcel containing the issued and authorised cheque to your designated home address haven successfully communicated their delivery assessment schedule to you.
Kindly forward your home contact address immediately for recieving the parcel to the courier company independently as I have equally forwarded your details to them. Find below their contact;