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Re: Problem tłumaczenie

: 04 cze 2006, 20:30
autor: Visitor
przepraszam, ż…e zawracam Wam głowę, ale zadano mi kolejną pracę domową (cały dzień to pisałem, dzięki Bogu to już… koniec roku) chciałbym by ktoś mi ją sprawdził. O co chodzi... Mieliśmy napisać dwa wypracowania na środę (7 VI 2006) NA TEMAT:
1'Fame results in a loss of freedom' True or false?
2'Wealth does not bring happiness' Tru or false?
I przestrzegać zasad:
- you have written in an impersonal style
- you have used suitable linking words to introduce your points for and against and your conclusion
- you have written between 200-250 words


A fame means being known or talked about by many people because of what you have achieved. Some people arque that being famous person can help in various situactions and their lifes are easier. Nevertheless being popular can crush beauty of our lives.
It is obvious that people who are famous, can go anywhere (for example to an exclusive party) without paying for it. You can imagine how interesting life have those people. Secondly the police turn a blind eye to their offences, therefore they also often do not have to pay fine. In other words they are not treat like average person, so they can do almost everything what they want to do. For example they can rest Holidays on Hawaii or another exotic place. At the end they can see more than other people.
On the other hand being popular can deprive them of freedom. It is undoubtedly true that they do not have private lives. Every now and then accompany them presses. Everybody knows them and wants their autographs. Furthermore they have to take part in TV Shows and show on a cultural events, even when they are sick. Famous persons lose their precious time very easy, sometimes they forget about their families. Everyones want to talk with them, so their phones are ringing without a break. Finally they can be kidnapped for a ransom.
In conclusion being famous can constrain freedom, but can not deny it. But popular people never can feel freedom like a bird or like an average person.


A wealth means the state of being rich and affluent. Some people think that the wealth can defeat adversities of life, however this same wealth can take away this same life.
First of all the wealth can have positive effects on our lives. A wealthy person can take the liberty of highest life's level. They must not worry about what will be, if their money last to the end of the month. Furthermore they can buy a new car or a new house with a basin in whole world or in the nearest future in the cosmos. Already today if someone have 20 millions dolars they might go to a cosmic voyage. Moreover the wealthy people's lifes are more comfortable than average persons.
On the contrary the wealthy person can not stroll at night without bodyguards. Secondly they do not have really friends, so they can feel very lonely and unhappiness. There is many people around them who envy and wants quietly bad them. Finally they might die, because they can be robbery's victim.
In conclusion being a wealth person can bring or not a happiness. I want to stress
that there are many dangerous which lurk (of) person of substance. At the end I want to add that in the world are a lot of things that can not be buy, for example love and loyalty.

Re: Problem tłumaczenie

: 04 cze 2006, 21:12
autor: morganx
fame jest niepoliczalnym rzeczownikiem wiec zacznij bez "a"
co to jest "arque"???
A famous person
liVes (przez V)
those people have (zly szyk u Ciebie)
mozemy wyrzucic tamto "also"
A fine
the are not treated (strona bierna musi byc)
like an average person albo lepiej average people (mowimy o licznie mnogiej oni)
do almost anything
can spend their holidays on Hawaii
in another exotic
deprive them of their freedom (troche wzmocnimy w ten sposob)
o co chodzi z "accompany them presses"????
cultural events bez a (to liczba mnoga przeciez)
lose easily
everyone wantS
can feel free

Na drugi rzuce okiem moze pozniej. Pzdr

Re: Problem tłumaczenie

: 04 cze 2006, 23:14
autor: morganx
wealth bez określinika a (tak jak fame)
that wealth can...
this wealth (bez "same")
podobnie z "life" (jak wyzej)
health bez the
the highest life level
the don't have to worry about their future (troche bym to zmienil)
money would last
basin to miska, umywalka albo dorzecze :) jesli chodzi o basen to swimming pool
zamiast "in whole world" daj lepiej "wherever they want"
a to z kosmosem wyrzuc. a jesli Ci bardzo an tym zalezy to "in the near future in space"
zamiast "already today" daj "even now"
someone HAS 20 million dollars
they can make a space voyage
wealthy people's (bez the)
liVes (przez v)
average persons'
a wealthy person
real friends
there ARE many people
envy and want
quietly bad them???? nie wiem o co chodzi
can be murdered during a burglary (zamiast tego co Ty proponujesz. "die" jest stosowane jako umierac, np. z powodu choroby, ze starosci albo w wypadku)
being a wealthy
can bring both happinnes and sadness
i want to accent
dangerous situations/points/aspects
lurk (of) person of substance???? (nie wiem o co chodzi)
at the end i want to add that there are many things in the world which we can not buy, for example love and loaylty

staralem sie czytac uwaznie, ale moze cos pominalem :)

Re: Problem tłumaczenie

: 28 gru 2019, 9:28
autor: volord2