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Re: proźba o sprawdzenie błędów

: 08 cze 2006, 21:22
autor: korniczka3
Pewnego wieczoru musiałam opiekować się babcia. Miałam pojechać autobusem. Jednak gdy wsiadłam do niego nie mogłam znaleźć biletu. Szukałam wszędzie, zdjęłam nawet kurtkę, lecz niegdzie nie znalazłam biletu. Gdy wkładałam z powrotem kurtkę cos mi wypadło z kieszeni. Podniosłam to, okazało się , ż…e to nieważ…ny już… bilet, więc go wyrzuciłam. Gdy miałam właśnie wysiadać weszła kontrola. Próbowałam się z nimi dogadywać, jednak oni mnie nie słuchali, musiałam wyjąć legitymację i wypełnić formularz. Znalazłam w nim błąd ortograficzny, więc kontrolerzy wypuścili mnie bez kary. Najpierw oddali mi moja legitymację, a sami musieli sprawdzić błąd w słowniku. Gdy byłam już… w domu babci przymierzyłam nową kurtkę. Znalazłam tam bilet. Wieczór spędziłam w złym nastroju. Włączyła radio. W radiu leciała świetna muzyka, więc pogłośniłam, ale po chwili do mojego pokoju weszła babcia, I powiedziała ż…e jest zagłośno. Więc ściszyłam, czułam się zmęczona, więc wyłączyłam radio i poszłam spać

One evening I had to look after my grandmother. I intended to go to her house by bus, but when I was getting on the bus, I could not find the ticket. I looked for it everywhere, I even took off my jacket, but nowhere could I find the ticket. When I was putting on my jacket, something fell out of the pocket. I picked this something up and it turned out that it was an invalid ticket, so I threw it out. Then when I was just getting off the bus two bus conductors got on. I tried to reach an agreement with them, however, they wouldn't listen to me so I had to take out my identity card and fill in a form. I found a spelling mistake in it, so the conductors let me go without having been punished. First, they gave me back my identity card, and then they had to check the mistake with a dictionary. As soon as I got to my grandmother's house I tried on the new jacket. I found the ticket in it. I spent the evening in a bad mood, so I turned on the radio. On the radio there was some great music, so I turn up the volume, but after a while into my room came my grandmother and said that the music was too loud. I turned it down, but I felt tired, so I turned off the radio and went to bed.

Re: proźba o sprawdzenie błędów

: 08 cze 2006, 22:27
autor: Visitor
One evening I had to look after my grandmother. I was supposed to go by bus but when I got on, I could not find the ticket. I looked for it everywhere, I even took off my jacket, but I couldn’t find it. When I was putting on my jacket, something fell out of the pocket. I picked it up and it turned out to be an invalid ticket, so I threw it out. When I was to get off the bus, ticket inspectors got on. I tried to come to an agreement with them, yet, they wouldn't listen to me. I had to show them my identity card and fill in a form. I found a spelling mistake there, so the inspectors let me off without a fine. First, they gave me back my identity card, and then they had to look the mistake up in a dictionary themselves. When I was at my grandma’s, I tried on a new jacket. I found a ticket inside. I spent the whole evening in a bad mood. I turned on the radio. Some great music played, so I turn up the volume, but after a while my grandmother came into my room to say that the music was too loud. I turned it down then but I felt tired, so I turned off the radio and went to bed.


Re: proźba o sprawdzenie błędów

: 09 cze 2006, 14:02
autor: morganx
tak w ogole to prosba przez "s" :)

Re: proźba o sprawdzenie błędów

: 10 cze 2006, 13:41
autor: korniczka3
No tak analfabetka ze mnie :D Ale dziekuje ślicznie!!!! VIRR :D

Re: proźba o sprawdzenie błędów

: 10 cze 2006, 15:21
autor: Visitor
Any time :)

Re: proźba o sprawdzenie błędów

: 28 gru 2019, 9:48
autor: volord2