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Re: Prosze o sprawdzenie i pomoc

: 02 kwie 2007, 14:09
autor: Visitor
Mam napisać list po angielsku do kolezanki i opisać jej włamanie do mojego domu.
- gdzie byłam, gdy dowiedziałam się o włamaniu
- jak zareagowałam, widząc znieszczenia
- kto zawiadomił policję i czy złodziej został zatrzymany

A to moje wypociny...

Dear Ann,
How are hou? Thank you fot the letter. I am sorry I havent written for so long.
I'm just writing to tell you that in my haus banglary.Then I entered the supermarket, my sister phone for me and she tell somebody has broken into he hause.
I was fearful, frightened when I see (poczynione zniszczenia). In my room I(zobaczyłam poprzewracane krzesła, bałagan i brak komputera).
My sister phone to police and the burglar catch and arrested.

Best wishes, Ewa

Bardzo prosze o sprawdzenie i skorygowanie bledow. Ja sie ucze angielskiego mardzo krotko, wiec mialam spore problemy z tym listem.

Re: Prosze o sprawdzenie i pomoc

: 02 kwie 2007, 15:24
autor: Visitor
Dear Ann,

How are you?
Thank you for your letter. I am sorry I haven't written for so long.
I'm just writing to tell you that there was a burglary intoto my house last week.
I found out about it when I was diong shopping in the supermarket. My sister phoned me.
When I saw my house I fetl terribly and I started to cry. The things were scattered all over the floor and I noticed the burglar had stolen the computer!
My sister phoned the police and the burglar was catched and arrested.

Best wishes,

Re: Prosze o sprawdzenie i pomoc

: 02 kwie 2007, 17:40
autor: P8R
Wciąż… było parę błędów.

Dear Ann,

How are you?
Thank you for your letter. I am sorry I haven't written for so long.
I'm writing just to tell you that there was a burglary into my house last week.
I found out it when I was doing shopping in the supermarket. My sister phoned me.
When I saw my house I felt terribly and I started to cry. The things were scattered all over the floor and I noticed the burglar had stolen the computer!
My sister phoned the police and the burglar has been caught and arrested.

Best wishes,

Re: Prosze o sprawdzenie i pomoc

: 29 gru 2019, 14:58
autor: volord2

Re: Prosze o sprawdzenie i pomoc

: 21 kwie 2022, 5:41
autor: vlord