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Re: proszę o sprawdzenie i poprawę błędów...

: 02 kwie 2007, 18:36
autor: Visitor
The person, who change my life was centrain girl. I met her, when I was in hospital. Her name is Dagmara. Dagmara lived in Krakow. When we met, she was seventeen years old. Curently she is nineteen years old. She has got a long and dark hair, big, blue eyes and snub nose. She was tall and slim. She worn usually sweater and trousers. She was very nice and smiling girl, although she was very ill. Always she spoke, that we must battle with all adversity and failure.Even though she very suffer, she won with her ill.I admire her for it I always can cout on her.She helps me often and she advice lends good me. Dagmara learn me, that still necessary to believe W SIEBIE and always is emergency exit from each situations.

Proszę o sprawdzenie i wyrozumiałośc. Z pokora przyjmę krytykę

Re: proszę o sprawdzenie i poprawę błędów...

: 29 gru 2019, 15:00
autor: volord2

Re: proszę o sprawdzenie i poprawę błędów...

: 21 kwie 2022, 5:42
autor: vlord