: 03 sty 2008, 20:07
autor: Gość
mam pewnien problem.moj syn od tego roku mieszka w hiszpani i tam trenuje tenisa.dostalam maila od jego trenara na temat jego gry,a moj angielski nie jest na zabyt wysokim poziomie i nie rozumiem wiekszosci przeslanego mi tekstu,ktory jest dosc dlugi,wiec jesli kos mialby ochote mi pomoc i przetlumaczylby mi go,bylabym bardzo wdzieczna.
Re: pomocy!!
: 03 sty 2008, 20:10
autor: Gość
First and foremost Szymon's tutor has recently posted his end of year
> report
> on the website available for your viewing. I also know he has been having
> lessons with Sergio and Toni, which he has been working very hard indeed.
> As Head of Player Development I try to watch all of the players and talk
> with their tutors and coaches on how we can best maximise each players
> potential. At 15, and still competing in the U16 category next year
> Szymon
> is definitely a good player for his age.
> He should focus on competing at the ETA events in 2008, the programme
> should
> have been sent to you by email already. By April or May 2008, we will
> have
> an idea on how Szymon competes at this level and be able to plan the
> remainder of the year. I would set him the goal of establishing a good
> ranking and therefore some good results in ETA events by the middle of
> 2008.
> If all goes well he can start to add in some ITF events to his calendar.
> I
> would be looking for a win:loss ratio of 3:1 at ETA level over the first 3
> or 4 months of 2008. Ultimately, Szymon should aim to compete in the
> USA at
> the end of 2008 in the Eddie Herr, Orange Bowl and Prince Cup
> competitions.
> Technically he seems reasonably sound, although I feel there is some
> work to
> be done here to give him a game that can survive at the higher levels.
> His
> coaches are aware of this. If he focuses on the technical aspect in the
> beginning of 2008 and addresses the issues, he can focus on competition in
> the later half of the year. Szymon's coaches will guide him through this
> period.
> Perhaps Szymon's biggest strength is his personality, willingness to learn
> and work ethic. He always aims to deliver his best and I feel he has
> settled into the environment of the academy very well. He is always
> cheerful and with a smile on his face, but always addressing the task in
> hand. As a person, Szymon will always be successful.
> I hope this has given you the information you required, if there is
> anything
> more please do not hesitate to contact me. I hope you and your family
> have
> a great holiday period. Please ensure Szymon he is doing everything well
> and I look forward to seeing him in 2008.
> Please let me know if there is anything more I can do to assist with
> Szymon's development.