Co to znaczy??

Krótkie teksty bądź pojedyncze zdania, które nie są zadaniem domowym.

Re: Co to znaczy??

Postautor: Visitor » 09 lis 2004, 16:34

zoom in on the chills and spills?

Re: Co to znaczy??

Postautor: Visitor » 16 lut 2005, 9:54

Co znaczą te słówka?
housemind's knee
weist up

Bardzo prosze o pomoc.

Re: Co to znaczy??

Postautor: Visitor » 18 lut 2005, 14:48

Moż…ecie sprwadzić czy nie ma bledów???
danke in advance :)

In the beginning I have to say that I’m unfortunately unlucky person. Never have I won even 10 zlotys but should I win some money in competition I would buy some items which I really need to have .
I’m of an opinion that I don’t have enough clothes so If I had $100 for it I would buy pair of shoes. It seems to me that shoes are very important, but I have just 3 pairs. I am conscious that some of shoes are rather cheap but I would like to buy myself the modest shoes made by famous company e.g. Nike or Puma.
I really dream of traveling but It would be difficult for me to travel without music. I’m keen on listening to it so, for that reason, I have chosen iPod. Although that I have walkman I really want to own that item. It is by far the best model of Mp3 players all over the world.
Despite not having a lot of money my third and final wish would be surprise for my mum. She gives me loads of variety things each day so I personally feel that I have to replay her in kind. My mother is found of watching films so I would like to buy her DVD player.
To sun up it is difficult to chose just 3 things for under $100 each, but at any rate it would be a good surprise for me and if I had this money I wouldn’t waste it.

Re: Co to znaczy??

Postautor: xeo » 25 lut 2005, 14:47

No niech będzie, sprawdźmy co tam wypociłeś :) znowu piątke dostaniesz :)

AT the beginning albo First of all - przede wszystkim
unfortunately I'm an unlucky person
I have never won
I should win some money in competition so that I will be able to buy some items which I really need to have
I'm of THE opinion that...
If I had $100 I would buy A pair...
only 3 pairs.
I became conscious that some shoes / I'm fully aware that
myself odpada z tamtego zdania bo wiadomo ze to ty robisz zakupy
modest ? skromne buty ? chyba chciałeś napisać modne czyli trendy
famous companieS
listening to it, THAT'S WHY, I have chosen...
Althought I have a walkman I really need iPod as well as it is the best model of mp3 players nowadays.
loads of VARIOUS
REPAY not replay (ripleje są w tv :) aha HER wyrzuć, in kind znaczy w towarze, to chciałeś napisać ?
FOND OF, not found
A DVD player (odtwarzacze, walkmany, wież…e, magnetofony moż…emy policzyć więc pamiętaj o przedimku)
SUM UP not sun....
chOOse not chose (nie piszesz w czasie przeszłym)
yyyy... ta końcówka to już… całkiem pokręcona...
just 3 things costing less than $100 each, nevertheless it would be .....
surprise for... i tutaj sie zastanów dla kogo ma to byc niespodzinka
and if I had this money I wouldn’t waste it - to zdanie jest troche źle wtrącone. Zrób kropkę po niespodziance i potem napisz:
One way or the other I wouldn't waste this money if I had it.

I hope I was helpful.
3maj sie.
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Posty: 3320
Rejestracja: 22 kwie 2003, 9:26

Re: Co to znaczy??

Postautor: xeo » 03 lis 2005, 17:17

kupować znaczy to :)
Site Admin | Redakcja
Posty: 3320
Rejestracja: 22 kwie 2003, 9:26

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