jest on dość długi:/ o muzyku. dobrym;)
He attends the academy in theory and classical piano from the age of five. Besides his fascination for singers, he’s very soon obsessed by playing the drums and makes his first drum-set with empty yogurt pots and cans. From the age of 13 he plays the drums and sings in a rock band.
More serious projects will follow only one year later, ranging from Punk rock to fusion, hard core to metal or even death-metal, and very much later from hip-hop to jazz and pop.
He records demos with several of these Bands, among them Adrenaline, a cross-over band from Vienna, Austria, where he moves in 1997.
Adrenaline is featured on samplers and wins prices at contests. It’s 1999. The band records two tracks @ subsonic refinery studios, where Henri Joel gets to know Kurt Richter, a young and incredibly talented engineer.
After the adrenaline period (2002) HJ gets to know DJ Diggy –D-productions Studios- and very soon records his first own demo tape with him (5 tracks). During this time he learns a lot about recording techniques, and even starts producing himself.
In April 2003 he calls up Kurt Richter to make the first half of an album.
They record a CD with 5 brand new tracks at Subsonic Refinery Studios, near Vienna. Even before the first gigs come, the first half of the album is acclaimed by listeners over Europe (Mainly in Spain, France, Belgium, the UK, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Austria), and also in the States and Canada. Star producer Christian Kolonovits called it a “great production”, Thomas Zanki at Universal Music said: “it’s so good that I want to hear more”, and gigs show a real success too.
Since March 2006, The promotional version of the album “experimenting freedom” is available, and in search for the right label.
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